You should definitely go with Engineering/ Commerce if you get the chance. One extra year at university will not be such a bad thing, it'll give you more time to get invloved in extra curricular activities, internships and clubs and mature a little.
But the biggest advantage is the...
I don't think you can really call what Sly does acting, but yes, he did show excellent range and versatility in the Rocky and Rambo franchises.
i agree with leo, absolutely brilliant in Blood Diamond, The Departed and Whats Eating Gilbert Grape? ( answer: Exphate)
Women are always playing second fiddle to men, even in developed societies and cultures; in terms of pay, promotions and the ratio of women to men in middle management and senior positions in corporate is 1 to 8.
This is most alarming in professional sports where women are payed at an...
Actually, they have tribal laws prohibiting women to partake in such disrepestful acts.
Luckily for Kidman she doesn't fall under the jurisdiction of such laws.
If you study ten hours a day, doing 4 hours is 40%
I originally said 2-4 hours a day depending on how stupid you are.
lol , 4 hours out of 40 is 10%, not 40%
I think you shouldn't do 4unit..
yeah , like 2-4 hours a day depending on how dumb you are.
It'll be a big advantage to have done 4 unit maths in uni as most Engineering and Science courses have a lot of 4 unit content in the first year.
You will definitely be at a disadvantage if you don't do 4 unit..
I like the international students from Asia around campus, they mainly keep to themselves, they're also polite and quiet unlike the Yanks and Canadians.
I also enjoy the scenery , escpecially in the summer time.
I am seriously considering buying /ordering the dvds for this series.
i've heard great things about it..
i just want to know if it's really that great a show?
Would you put it up there with One tree hill?...if it's anything like 90210, i'll hate it.