Yeah pal, maybe if you started living up to their expectations then they wouldn't ride you so hard.
Just be thankful that you're growing up in Australia and not in whateva asian country you're from. Then you'd have no chance of competing cos Academics is like a religion over there.
um, weren't you saying how crappy that job was? How they pay you ridiculously low wages, make you work long hours/shifts, how it's dangerous and the customers are stupid rude morons?
Now, you're here, recommending it to an 18 yr old female...for a moderator that's suppose to be looking out...
You should keep both, one extra unit ain't gonna kill you. It's like a safety net and besides...
...I thought Sydney boys were supposed to be uber nerds or do they just act like geeks outside of school hours on the trains and buses? You need to start living up to that reputation or your...
Yeah I'm sure you are lucky enough to pick and choose, with your meagre fudiciary capacity, average white joe looks and e-charm.
Every room you enter becomes a charisma free zone.
you remind of a friend of mine. He says he can't grow any hair at all above his waist.
Like he doesn't have any facial hair, no light moustache, no under arm hair, just eyebrows. He's Chinese, that might have something to do with it.
I want to apply for goverrnment graduate programs but the problem is that most of them are based in Canberra. Is there any way around this? cos I don't fancy living there at all.
Right, so the people that spend the greatest amount of time with kids throughout the school day aren't partly to blame for school standards slipping?
I don't think more time at uni will help teachers at all, They need more practical experience and training as counsellors and adequate...
Way to incorrectly interpret what I said. How appropriate that your salary as a teacher isn't based on performance or logical reasoning.
They don't need 4 years of uni, it's wasted on them, cos all they do is babysit. It doesn't take much to become a teacher.
You think you can...
That was Exphate's mother.
Seriously, without bogans, then who is going to pick up trades? work manual labour and drive trucks that deliver things?
" educated hard working immigrants?"- Yeah just take a walk around Blacktown and see how that's turned out. More like African welfare-case...
Who do you think is to blame, though?
Do we point the finger at parents that neglect their own children and pursure their own selfish agendas instead?
Perhaps, our regional and country towns are bringing down the standards with their abysmal results.
personally I think it's the...