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  1. jennyfromdabloc

    10 Russian spies arrested in the US, 1 in Cyprus

    I think he wanted a better justification than "the law says its the law."
  2. jennyfromdabloc

    10 Russian spies arrested in the US, 1 in Cyprus

    Ummm if you catch someone spying on your company, you can fire them and or/refuse them service, just like a nation can kick people out. Locking people up and torturing them because they might have overhead your secret, not cool. Guard your secrets better.
  3. jennyfromdabloc

    Where do you sit on the Political Compass?

    The man with the water has made a perfectly fair deal, and the thirsty man should obviously accept. It seems unfair, but consider what would happen if we were to have a good Samaritan law that required the man to share his water. It would encourage more people to be imprudent and bring...
  4. jennyfromdabloc

    Shock poll as Labor support slides

    Of course she doesn't believe in god. Women are only capable of worshiping the cock.
  5. jennyfromdabloc

    When will Australia have an African American prime minister?

    No, they sent out guys to kill me, their guys.
  6. jennyfromdabloc

    When will Australia have an African American prime minister?

  7. jennyfromdabloc

    When will Australia have a gay prime minister?

    Like full on queer as the dickens. And he greets foreign dignitaries with his camp boyfriend. And still opposes gay marriage, because he realizes that his life should be controlled by "community values." Would be pretty awesome imo.
  8. jennyfromdabloc

    Women have a worse time than men when it comes to relationships

    Good point. I've been on the other side of this phenomenon many times. I'd have to say I'm a more natural, honest, nice guy around more average looking girls.
  9. jennyfromdabloc

    Women have a worse time than men when it comes to relationships

    I'd question how easy it is to punch above your weight. You have nearly 100% of guys competing for only 10% of the real hotties, so there is a lot of competition. Perhaps what you mean is "its easier to be an ugly or plain looking guy than it is to be an ugly or plain looking woman", which I...
  10. jennyfromdabloc

    Why do so many white men date/marry asian women?

    Perhaps. But why is this remarkable? Why should we expect that most marriages will not be interracial in the first place?
  11. jennyfromdabloc

    Why do so many white men date/marry asian women?

    "Why do so many white men date/marry asian women?" They don't. Far more white men end up with white women. Where is the evidence that white men have a high tendency to date Asian women, more than would be expected based on general proportions of the population?
  12. jennyfromdabloc

    Vatican creating an office to combat pedophilia.. no wait, secularization

    "Fisichella created a minor uproar last year when he defended Brazilian doctors who aborted the twin fetuses of a 9-year-old child who was raped by her stepfather. His call for mercy sparked heated criticism from some hardline conservative members of the Pontifical Academy who questioned his...
  13. jennyfromdabloc

    Gillard urges against a 'big Australia'

    I don't pretend to know how many people Australia can support, and even the nation's top scientists can't agree on a figure, with their estimates varying by tens of millions. However, turns out there is a system that is highly efficient at rationing scarce resources and aggregating complex...
  14. jennyfromdabloc

    Julia Gillard new Prime Minister

    Meanwhile, labors odds have shortened on the only barometer that matters, the betting markets. Implied probability of labor win is ~75%. There could be value in betting on the coalition right now though. People may have overestimated the "omg she has a cunt" factor, and underestimated the...
  15. jennyfromdabloc

    accommodation, share houses etc. in sydney city for next year

    Ur planning to drive into the city? Do you know how difficult/expensive it is to park in the city. Not to mention Sydney traffic is often slower than trains, and cars are hugely expensive to own and run. So basically your plan is to have a car and live in the inner on apprentice chef wages...
  16. jennyfromdabloc

    Govt wants ISPs to record browsing history

    Fair enough, its good to let individual candidates make up their own minds. I'll probably go Greens #1 in lower house, and LDP in the upper.
  17. jennyfromdabloc

    Are you Ugly?

    Let's just say that I ain't got no alibi.
  18. jennyfromdabloc

    Govt wants ISPs to record browsing history

    Yeah the 10 minutes to circumvent the filter would be quite a hassle. But I see your point, its incredibly stupid, what more can really be said. As a Greens supporter, do you know if the Greens categorically oppose internet censorship?
  19. jennyfromdabloc

    American Influences on Australia

    Yeah Australia is pretty much just America without the niggers. It's awesome.
  20. jennyfromdabloc

    Govt wants ISPs to record browsing history

    Prioritizing is not an issue here. This is just a discussion forum. We're not actually going to do anything. If something is bad, why not just come out and say "hey, this is bad." It goes without saying that there are worse things going on, I don't see why you are so intent on laboring...