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  1. jennyfromdabloc

    Alpha males: does the concept apply to modern homo-sapiens

    Also there are huge variations in human sexuality, with a fetish existing for just about everything. Human beings are a very complex and adaptable species that occupy extremely diverse habitats. Nolan is right about the overall evolutionary goals, but the traits that will best further those...
  2. jennyfromdabloc

    Alpha males: does the concept apply to modern homo-sapiens

    Sure, but that doesn't prove the concept of the alpha male applies. What are you talking about, it has changed noticeably within the last few hundred years. In the past obesity and pale skin were considered signs of success and prosperity because it meant you didn't have to work. Today they...
  3. jennyfromdabloc

    Alpha males: does the concept apply to modern homo-sapiens

    I'd argue that its because most men feel like they're not getting enough sex most of the time. Given the choice (and sufficient free time) most men would probably opt to have sex several times a day.
  4. jennyfromdabloc

    Alpha males: does the concept apply to modern homo-sapiens

    Yeah, umm, a lot of words have more than one meaning. I have read articles and advertisements where it is used in exactly the sense I mentioned.
  5. jennyfromdabloc

    Alpha males: does the concept apply to modern homo-sapiens

    The logic of self proclaimed pickup artists ect is basically that since in some species there are alpha males who mate with all the females in the pack to the almost complete exclusion of other males, this must therefore apply to humans. Therefore, if you don't buy our stuff and learn the...
  6. jennyfromdabloc

    the fuck is with equality

    Allow me to explain this with an unnecessary Venn diagram:
  7. jennyfromdabloc

    If you were voted PM how would you reform....

    It already is legal. It's called income tax.
  8. jennyfromdabloc

    the fuck is with equality

    Imo this excerpt from Rothbard's Markets and Power provides the best demolition of the whole ridiculous idea of equality. TL;DR: "Human life is not some sort of race or game in which each person should start from an identical mark. It is an attempt by each man to be as happy as possible. And...
  9. jennyfromdabloc

    Where do you sit on the Political Compass?

    well to be fair, libertarians mainly just want to shoot poor people.
  10. jennyfromdabloc

    Where do you sit on the Political Compass?

    Haha. You make a fair point. I'm sorry, its just as a libertarian I'm naturally eager to shoot people.
  11. jennyfromdabloc

    Aganist abortion

    Well I'm not thrilled about it, but I don't think it should be a crime.
  12. jennyfromdabloc

    Aganist abortion

    Umm who cares what is natural? It's not natural to use antibiotics, or chemotherapy. Should we ban these things too, because if we get sick we are "meant" to die? Arguably everything is natural anyway. We are just a bunch of natural organisms that happen to arrange natural resources in a...
  13. jennyfromdabloc

    Where do you sit on the Political Compass?

    We need the second amendment so we can shoot power trippin' cunts like you who think that because their views are mainstream, they have a right to impose them on everyone.
  14. jennyfromdabloc

    Intelligent design to be taught in Queensland schools under national curriculum

    Relax guys. They're just teaching it in ancient history under controversies. Not in science as an legitimate theory. If anything it will be good to stimulate some discussion about the topic.
  15. jennyfromdabloc

    PM vows to block 'dark side' of net

    There sure is. More access to porn causes less sexual assaults. Same with prostitution.
  16. jennyfromdabloc

    Political Views and Occupation/Profession/Degree of Study

    Can't say I agree with your theory, but it is interesting none the less. I'd question whether status is particularly high for teachers, journalists and academics. Also, their income is higher than the national average (unless they have just started teaching, or are freelance journalists). So I...
  17. jennyfromdabloc

    10 Russian spies arrested in the US, 1 in Cyprus

    Actually I now think our position on this was wrong. If a property owner has a legitimate claim to property, he may punish certain behavior on that property even if the punishment appears unreasonable and excessive, so long as he forewarns people coming onto the property. Of course we can...