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  1. B

    Study Journal: How I'm going to get 99.95 ATAR

    @ya_mum side note: you realise that getting a 99.95 you have to: A. Be a genius B. Study 5 hours a day C. Study 8 hours a day on weekends, perhaps with one day a week off for relaxation D. Go tornado mode in the holidays E. Can't get distracted by anything, Tv, youtube, games, porn F. YOU MUST...
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    Study Journal: How I'm going to get 99.95 ATAR

    @YA_MUM shit stainz, i forgot about that, YES PHOENIX IS A MUST MUST MUST FOR REVISION -->AWESOME BOOK Waste of valuable valuable valuable time. Every second counts in the HSC. Although I don't uphold that notion because I'm afflicted with addiction-to-youtube disease, yeah it is an important...
  3. B

    impossible to come first frome here?

    Bro... for ancient history I came 3rd in my first assessment which i got 23/25, and for my half yearlies i got <50%, which also weighted 20%, go my average is around 69%... However only reason I got so low was because I didn't study for what came up in my exam... Ancient is a really easy...
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    Why Grid Books for Maths?

    measurement topics? like we do in primary? Yeah i don't see the use of grid books. Waste of ink. Looks messy. Your standard 8mm ruled books makes everything clear and neat.
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    How many marks would I get for this?

    do you HAVE to show derivation, or can't you just use your standard table of integrals?
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    Eastern Subs Tutor - 99.75 ATAR - $25 p/hour

    eastern suburbs... why is ir always there?
  7. B

    Soldiers are not heroes

    you are an idiot. A terrorist is one that terrorises others, by invading into another place and terrorising the population there. Compare what is going on in Afghanistan to other developed countries. American soldiers have invaded the nation uninvited. They are shooting at Taliban. Yet these...
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    99.95 ATAR, 99 Ext1 Maths, 98 Ext 2 Maths Tutoring - @ UNSW or Granville Region

    viper is fuuuaaarrrkin jooooooocy. nuff said
  9. B

    How many marks would I get for this?

    i suppose no... you write "***answer***, as d[1/a tan-1f(x)]/dx = f'(x)/[a^2 + (f(x))^2], where a=1, and f(x)=x^4 Basically write the rule from the integral table as your reasoning.
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    Biology in Focus HSC

    Re: Upload Biology in Focus HSC i got 2nd edition...
  11. B

    Which Bio Texts/ Study guide should i use as my primary learning Tool

    Each book does its own thing well... just... do not use Heinmann Biology in Focus is extremely good... it gives crap loads of detail on the DOT POINTS, just the dot points, if you know EVERYTHING in that book, you will get a band 6, but not a high band 6...
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    99.95 ATAR, 99 Ext1 Maths, 98 Ext 2 Maths Tutoring - @ UNSW or Granville Region

    I don't think he was noob... 98 for ext1/2 maths isn't really noob...
  13. B

    Selective School Advantage?

    The MEAN of a class is what is scaling about. In a selective school the mean is higher. Assuming you did not do terrible and your mark is only a small part away from the mean.... it means your intelligent class will scale you up. Basically you can ride along the wave of their achievement.
  14. B

    A Question... about marks.

    haha OP you remind me, of me. Ancient History Assessment 1: Weight: 20% Mark: 23/25, rank 3rd out of 22 Assessment 2 (half yrly), Weight: 20% Mark <50%, rank fuark if i know...
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    99.95 ATAR, 99 Ext1 Maths, 98 Ext 2 Maths Tutoring - @ UNSW or Granville Region

    so... basically to get a good private tutor... you have to be a rich ****. I'm screwed.
  16. B

    99.95 ATAR, 99 Ext1 Maths, 98 Ext 2 Maths Tutoring - @ UNSW or Granville Region

    err... i don't know why... say... my old private tutor was really damn good... but I was only paying him $20/hr... 6 weeks later I got dumped D=. He got 98 in ext1/2 maths. i'm supposing $20/hr is too cheap for that sort of quality of high level tutoring??? And indeed that tutoring really...
  17. B

    99.95 ATAR, 99 Ext1 Maths, 98 Ext 2 Maths Tutoring - @ UNSW or Granville Region

    SIDE QUESTION: What do they feed James Ruse kids at their canteen?
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    99.80 UNSW Medical Student - Bio, Chem Phys Tutoring $35/hr

    holllly FUAAAARRRRRKKKKKKKKKKKK, you did 12 UNITS and got 90+ for all 6 subjects, LIKE WTF, I CAN'T EVEN HANDLE 12 UNITS.....