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    Biology in Focus HSC

    Re: Upload Biology in Focus HSC so you need jacaranda to get to get 95+ What about NSW biology? That seems really detailed by often it goes a little off path, i.e. the information does not correlate with the structure ofthe dot points. How are you meant to get over 95+? I purchased notes...
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    ahmad shah idil's biology notes?

    meh... they're all right for dotpoint based notes, but often questions come outside the edges of the dot points
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    Biology in Focus HSC

    Re: Upload Biology in Focus HSC Is biology in focus the best textbook? Like if you know EVERYTHING in that textbook, will you get a mark of 95+ in the HSC?
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    What raw mark in the HSC Exam would translate to a Band 6?

    2U maths doesn't have much scaling --> like an 88 would get you a 90, that is the border. General maths is ridiculously easy, most will get over 80% raw so for a band 6 you probably need to get 95+
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    complex numbers

    ooooooh neeveer would have got that...
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    Binomial Probability help required

    binomials...? HALF YEARLIES??? Once again my school retains the reputation of being the slowest in Sydney.
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    99.95 ATAR, 99 Ext1 Maths, 98 Ext 2 Maths Tutoring - @ UNSW or Granville Region

    'you hsc students go for higher price anyway'??? i don't even think i could do $30/hr, yet you are stereotyping me as going to more expensive places? I don't EVEN go tutoring, sorry to burst your bubble... Also name ONE tutoring centre that requires OVER $30-35 hr. James Ann: $28/hr Truong...
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    Study Journal: How I'm going to get 99.95 ATAR

    FUCK, THIS is how you do good at 4U. No.1: FUCK PATEL, he's a gronk. No.2: Fuck anything to do with Excel No.3: DO EVERYTHING in Terry Lee(except Challenege questions) and Cambrdige( except further questions) It is HIGHLY unlikely that your 4U exaam will be harder than a HSC Q6,Q7,Q8...
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    Half Yearly Aims

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    Half Yearly Aims

    lol i know you weren't asking me... but my one was 2 hrs for 75 marks. There were two graphing questions that could've been complete in less than 5 min,worth 4marks and 2 marks (so 6 marks... one of them, your average 3u student could've finished in less than 1 minute, the 2nd question was a...
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    Game of the Year 2011

    Wanna hear a joke? COD.
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    99.95 ATAR, 99 Ext1 Maths, 98 Ext 2 Maths Tutoring - @ UNSW or Granville Region

    $40 an hour reasonable? I must be in the bottom 1% in Sydney in terms of wealth.
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    help with a couple of polynomial q's

    yeah thanks, also, yeah its pretty BS because i didn't even understand the question! is that whole bold part for Q2 ONE WHOLE QUESTION, OR are there two distinct separate parts...? lol
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    De Moivre's theorem

    WHAT THE HECK IS E^I(THETA)??????? Anways heres wat I did: Let w = conjugate of z, sorry noob at latex w=rcis(-A) let z=rcis(A) z^5 = r^5(cis5A) z^5 = w r^5(cis5A) = rcis(-A) r^4(cis5A) = cis(-A) divide by cis(-A) ---> NOT TO SURE IF THIS STEP IS PERMISSIBLE, are you allowed to do this step...
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    help with a couple of polynomial q's

    Q1. x^4 + y^4 = (x^2 + y^2)^2 - 2(x^2)(y^2) Difference of 2 squares.... therefore: x^4 + y^4 = (x^2 + y^2 - xy*root(2)]*[x^2 + y^2 + xy*root(2)] =(x^2 + y^2 - xyc)(x^2 + y^2 + xyc) obviously we can see that c = root 2 = 1.414... wat eva Q2. P(x) = (x-2)(x-2)(x+3) Q(x)=(x-2)(x-2)(x+3)(x+a) =...
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    induction help

    1) i'm gonna skip step 1, so... Assume TRUE for n = k Therefore 9^(k+2) - 4^k = 5M, M being any integer Prove for n=k+1 Therefore: 9^(k+3) - 4^(k+1) = 9*9(k+2) - 4*4^k =9(5M + 4^k) - 4*4^k --> From the assumption, 5M + 4^k = 9^(k+2) =45M + 9*4^k - 4*4^k =45M + 5*4^k =5(9M + 4^k)...
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    Selective School Advantage?

    Anyways OP, HSC is determined by a number of factors, rank and what shit not, but is also determined by the MEAN OF YOUR CLASS - THE AVERAGE MARK FOR A SUBJECT. Think of it as an elastic band. The mean in a selective school is naturally high due to smart people, therefore the rubber band will...
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    Private Tutoring for 2011 Senior Students in Mathematics + Ext 1 & 2 @ Strathfield

    Re: Private Tutoring for 2011 Senior Students in Mathematics + Ext 1 & 2 @ Strathfiel fuaaark im not heading to strathfield... imma gonna get my head dented in by dah Koreans.
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    solving trig equations

    sin x + cos x = 0 --> 1+ tanx = 0, the simplicity is just too brilliant...!