Who's had their EE1 trial already??
How was it, were the essay questions specific or generic for each module and which exam did you guys sit? :P
I have mine on Friday! But our school sets our own papers.
nope! our Trials start tomorrow and Hist Ext is next to next thursday!! pheww haha
who does the cssa trial exams?? good luck for them! (you have them 3 days before ours lol)
I swear we're one of the only schools who do the Tacitus case study!
The worst bit about this subject is the HUGE amount of content (esp for core) of which a comparatively small amount will be tested. The only way to study is to learn everything for each syllabus point (notes - historians and evidence) and hope they ask you things from sections you know better!
The hard part for me is getting my head around what Textual Dynamics is.
But yea i need to work on my story now. I have an idea which develops around an author and his text. And thanks Shadowdude for offering ideas haha =)
Umm we're doing Orlando, Calvino and Night Letters as our prescribed...
Its just about the ways an author "plays" with the conventions of traditional story telling etc.
WOW another textual dynamics student (they seem to be quite rare lol)..what school are u from?