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  1. anexasaved

    is it just me, or does this subject have an insane amount of content?

    Yea you're right, at least Ag is interesting...Augustus on the other hand, sighh soooooo much content to remember (WHY COULDN'T HE HAVE DONE LESS STUFF D=)! I haven't even bothered learning Mycenae yet =/
  2. anexasaved

    How well prepared are you for the HSC?

    Paper 1: 7 Paper 2: 6 English Ext: 3 Maths: 6 Maths Ext: 4 Ancient: 4 Modern: 4 History Ext: 3 =/ i wish these were my 'scores' for preparedness last week..oh well (although for history, the preparedness-meter can jump in the exam if they luckily give you a question you really like...
  3. anexasaved

    2011 HSC Prediction

    They had NEP last year. War communism is an option since it was last tested in 06 (as part of the Civil War)...i bloody hope its not on the power struggle, cause id struggle with a question about something that specific :P Usually they do a lenin and a stalin question dont they?
  4. anexasaved

    ATAR Estimate for another friend

    Eng (Adv): 68/195 (trials rank - 11/195) 91% Maths: 20/84 Maths x1: 80/166 chem: 40/120 bio: 25/84 eco: 19/98 school rank: 4 wht do u est my atar to be? any chance of 99?
  5. anexasaved

    ATAR Estimate for a friend

    RANKS: English Adv - 59/195 English Ext - 12/84 English Ext 2 - 8/34 Mathematics - 41/84 Modern - 20/36 Visual Arts - 3/8 School Rank: 4
  6. anexasaved

    Your topics are quite different to mine!! For Ext, i investigated the conflict between the...

    Your topics are quite different to mine!! For Ext, i investigated the conflict between the political and cultural spheres of the early 2000's that influenced the construction of history by the National Museum of Australia. How did you go in your major work?? By the looks of it, i think you're...
  7. anexasaved

    ATAR Estimate for a friend =)

    Ranks: English Adv - 1/195 Modern - 23/36 History Ext - 5/6 Society and Culture - 1/2 Drama - 3/10 German Continuers - (Done by Distance Education, but 94% trial mark) School Rank: 4
  8. anexasaved

    Hey i'm doing Augustan Age, Mycenae, Agrippina The Younger for Ancient and Russia, Trotsky and...

    Hey i'm doing Augustan Age, Mycenae, Agrippina The Younger for Ancient and Russia, Trotsky and Cold War for Modern For Hist Ext im doing the Tacitus Case Study Im sooooo intimidated by your hardcore history extension-ing, and we were talking about your project in class and my teacher...
  9. anexasaved

    ATAR Estimate for a friend

    RANKS: English ADV: 92/195 MATHS X1: 31/166 MATHS X2: 61/99 PDHPE: 10/28 Business: 4/12 Eco Accelerated HSC Mark: 91 School Rank: 4th (Baulko)
  10. anexasaved

    ATAR Estimate please... =)

    wow thats rather high...are you sure your estimations are taking into account the HUGE tail at the bottom of my (rather small) ancient history cohort =S Also, what marks do you reckon i'll need in my externals to get 99.7...will providing my trial marks give a more accurate representation of...
  11. anexasaved

    ATAR Estimate please... =)

    Ok so this is the first time i'm doing this, hope the info makes sense :P Ranks: English - 6/195 English Ext - 3/84 Mathematics - 41/84 Mathematics Ext 1 - 122/166 (-_____-" sighh) Ancient History - 3/16 (the top few in our cohort are quite good, but there is a definite split after that, and...
  12. anexasaved

    Teachers - can they ace the HSC?

    Im extremely confident in my Ancient History teacher's ability to get full marks in ANY exam she did -- she's got exam/essay technique and historical knowledge so down packed its amazing! haha
  13. anexasaved

    Haha thanks for the rep =) Hows History HSC prep going for you?? lol

    Haha thanks for the rep =) Hows History HSC prep going for you?? lol
  14. anexasaved

    haha yup :P I FINISHED AN AUG ESSAY btw!!! yessssss =D haha

    haha yup :P I FINISHED AN AUG ESSAY btw!!! yessssss =D haha
  15. anexasaved

    LOL probably...if you stared at my forum username long enough, you'd figure out who i am haha =)

    LOL probably...if you stared at my forum username long enough, you'd figure out who i am haha =)
  16. anexasaved

    ATAR Estimate

    mmh i agree...i think the grade's ancient history performance is a credit to her statement. The top few barely do much work!! I know for a fact that we hadn't completed much of our study the night before trials, and tambam DOES spend class time cutting split ends haha, yet she (and the few...
  17. anexasaved

    Worth choosing??

    Firstly, History Ext is an EXTREMELY enjoyable and rewarding subject provided you want to learn more about historical methodology and practice rather than history itself haha. Whilst i personally enjoy it a great deal, i have to say that the HSC exam is one of the hardest i will ever have to...
  18. anexasaved


    The ATAR/UAI requirement for teachers can rage from the mid 60's to mid 80's. I don't understand how we can expect an english teacher who got an atar ~70, for example, and thus probably got a band 4 in HSC english, to help teach us how to write a close to full marks essay!! This applies to all...
  19. anexasaved

    Yet another ATAR estimate!

    What's your school's rank?? Edit: LOL sorry you hadn't posted it up while i was typing this :P
  20. anexasaved

    CSSA Ext 1 English - Navigating the global

    Hey, do you remember what your essay question was?? CONGRATS on doing well! I hope Textual Dynamics, which is an extremely difficult elective, works out well for you. If you can do this well in the HSC then you're gonna ace it haha =) I do TD as well, but yea am finding it quite difficult. lol...