I'm going to the Angus and Julia Stone gig. It's like $25 with a Ucard. So good!
Woah, the places for each Lab have gone up to 44. So now I booked into the Wednesday 1-4 lab, so I don't have to skip my MATH lecture. woo
You have to do 40 units a semester to finish the degree in 3 years. So yeah, you should pick an elective.
I'm enrolled in MATH1002, BIOL1001, CHEM1010 and HUBS1403.
Nup. CHEM1010 was the last course I need to register for. But It'll give me a lot of time to study and watch lectures I've missed.
Does anyone know when/how to register for the chem tut? I'm so confused... :(
Yeah but if I don't go to that lecture, then I'm going to be missing 2 chem lectures a week, because I'm not going to the monday one.
I'll probably just go back home for the 6 hours, then come back up. I'll be buying weekly train travel passes so it wont be costing me extra money. :)