Ritalin - Adderall (2 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2008
I've taken Dimettap in both liquid and pill form. I also have taken Panadol, smoked nicotine and experimented with ethyl-hydroxide AKA ethanol AKA alcohol


Aug 10, 2009
Lol, fuck! Arguing with a crackhead is bloody hilarious :spin:

In a car race, one team might spend millions of dollars and hundreds of hours training for the race. And they might win. Because of all the work they put in. Not much of an achievement, right? The real achievement is the car who rocks up just before the race, not really caring how he finished, and through talent and smarts, comes a close second. Because really, he didn't give a fuck. He just did his shit and finished where nobody expected him. That'd fukin shock them.
Yes hun, I'm sure this imaginary car race of yours might work in drug-induced LaLa land but unfortunately hun, this doesn't rock IRL. Using your logic, a person who just rocks up for the HSC without giving a fuck about his studies (no study whatsoever), will score a high ATAR of 95+? Maybe it might work for Issac Newton, but for crackheads like you, the answer is nay, not even a close second!

My school is ranked at about 150. My subjects are 3u maths, 3u english, physics and chemistry. I don't give a fuck. I didn't do any study tonight. I am currently top 10 in every subject (out of an average of 60 kids per subject). I know what admissions index I am participating in (I'm doing ATAR, you did UAI you fucking mess). Who the fuck knows?
Awww, touching story. I'm going to cry :skip:

you didn't get. 99.65 ATAR. You didn't even get a fucking ATAR. You got a UAI you fucking sped.
(I'm doing ATAR, you did UAI you fucking mess
Lol NOOB!!! ATAR was introduced in 2009. Just because you did the UAI does not mean you are a 'mess'. So you are insulting everyone who did the HSC prior to 2009 because they aren't as 'superior' as you to do the ATAR? Lol. I'm going to cry (sarcasm)
Last time I checked, the UAI is scaled up higher than the ATAR using the UAI/ATAR conversion table. What's that, the 08-er aka 'the mess' is right :jaw:

But heres what I wont do. I won't spend my golden years with my face in a book. I wont turn pale from lack of sunshine.
Oh guess what Albert Einstein? Law combined commerce only has 15 hours whereas pharmacy has 24+ hours. So looks like I'll be soaking up the sunshine reading my torts book whilst you are spending your hours suffocating in a lab. Oh wait, that's even if you make it to pharmacy :D

Some chick having a go at me earlier said she was doing law. I will not study FUCKING LAW. Law? Seriously? Shit, go ahead. You might make coffee for three years. You might earn your Law degree. You might be the best. Then you can go around fucking up the lives of people who have nothing but the long dick of our fucked up legal system being repeatedly shoved deep into their already bleeding asses. Fukin good for you. But that is not for me.
I want to do Pro Bono law, but if I have to help crackheads like you, I'll think twice.

A 99.65 ATAR is NOT for me.
Duh, would a crackhead like you be able to get that ATAR?


Aug 27, 2009
Crackheads don't joke mate; their word is gold :spin:
Also, stop saying crack. You have no idea about recreational drug use whatsoever because I've told you what drugs I've taken and Crack was not one of them. Crack is cocaine.
I take the time out to call you by your correct title (ie. Fucking Retard). Why can you not do this also and find a name for me that actually represents me in any way.


Aug 27, 2009
Lol, fuck! Arguing with a crackhead is bloody hilarious :spin:

Yes hun, I'm sure this imaginary car race of yours might work in drug-induced LaLa land but unfortunately hun, this doesn't rock IRL. Using your logic, a person who just rocks up for the HSC without giving a fuck about his studies (no study whatsoever), will score a high ATAR of 95+? Maybe it might work for Issac Newton, but for crackheads like you, the answer is nay, not even a close second!

I think you're retarded. the point of the hypothetical was to explain the out come if something did happen.
Not prove that it would happen

Awww, touching story. I'm going to cry :skip:

Not really. point of the story was to demonstrate how much i dont care about what UAI you got. you're not very good at interpreting english are you?

Lol NOOB!!! ATAR was introduced in 2009. Just because you did the UAI does not mean you are a 'mess'. So you are insulting everyone who did the HSC prior to 2009 because they aren't as 'superior' as you to do the ATAR? Lol. I'm going to cry (sarcasm)
Last time I checked, the UAI is scaled up higher than the ATAR using the UAI/ATAR conversion table. What's that, the 08-er aka 'the mess' is right :jaw:

Yet another pretty astronomical failure at interpreting a simple string of words. I never took merit from the fact that your score was in the form of a UAI. I just laughed at the fact that you don't even know what fucking system you're working under- you said you got an ATAR of 99.65. I pointed out how incredibly wrong that was.

Oh guess what Albert Einstein? Law combined commerce only has 15 hours whereas pharmacy has 24+ hours. So looks like I'll be soaking up the sunshine reading my torts book whilst you are spending your hours suffocating in a lab. Oh wait, that's even if you make it to pharmacy :D

24 hours in a lab beats the shit out of 15 hours reading and copying shit down. I actually think they've trained chimpanzees to do that. you should look into it- might cut down your future prospects a bit.

I want to do Pro Bono law, but if I have to help crackheads like you, I'll think twice.

Are you actually serious? "I want to do Pro Bono law? Do you actually believe that EVERY SINGLE FUCKING LAWYER OUT THERE wouldn't have said that?
Damn, you're naive as fuck. Enjoy taking a proper look at your life at the age of 34 before swallowing a fucking shotgun.

Duh, would a crackhead like you be able to get that ATAR?
Drugs man. You will be fucking surprised how many of us use. Wait until your bubble bursts and you realize that your backward thinking leaves you in the minority. Barrack Obama, Bill Clinton, Malcolm Turnbull, 40% of all living Australians, Bill Hicks, fuck I could go for hours just rattling off the millions of people that are so much smarter than you and "hurr take drugs durrf".

You are not a smart person. You don't know how to read properly. You need to take a step back, chill the fuck out, actually read peoples posts before you reply and SMOKE A FUKIN JOINT.

he'll be with us in a moment.


Aug 27, 2009
crack and cocaine aren't the same thing guys
thats like saying nicotine and cigarettes aren't the same thing. (ok, they're not the SAME thing but whatever)

crack is a solid, smokeable form of cocaine.


Aug 10, 2009
Drugs man. You will be fucking surprised how many of us use. Wait until your bubble bursts and you realize that your backward thinking leaves you in the minority. Barrack Obama, Bill Clinton, Malcolm Turnbull, 40% of all living Australians, Bill Hicks, fuck I could go for hours just rattling off the millions of people that are so much smarter than you and "hurr take drugs durrf".

You are not a smart person. You don't know how to read properly. You need to take a step back, chill the fuck out, actually read peoples posts before you reply and SMOKE A FUKIN JOINT.
I never said I was smart or smarter than all those politicians, but definitely smarter than you crackhead.

tits or GTFO


New Member
Mar 4, 2007
Port Macquarie
This is seriously the most stupid question ever. Why take a drug to enhance your studying ability? Why not just study hard, take vitamins and work hard like the majority of people. You will get a much higher self satisfaction level if you do it all on your own rather than using pharmaceutical support.

My brother is currently on Ritalin for severe ADHD and its not a good medication to be on, it has some side effects but some people have to take it to get any sort of concentration level. Embrace what has been given to you naturally.

As for vitamins, fish oil and ginko brahmi are fantastic for concentration and completely natural without side effects or damaging your body.


Active Member
Mar 9, 2006
Drugs man. You will be fucking surprised how many of us use. Wait until your bubble bursts and you realize that your backward thinking leaves you in the minority. Barrack Obama, Bill Clinton, Malcolm Turnbull, 40% of all living Australians, Bill Hicks, fuck I could go for hours just rattling off the millions of people that are so much smarter than you and "hurr take drugs durrf".
So 40% of Australians take drugs, yet those who don't are in the minority?
Yeah ok. I didn't bring this up because what you got in high school means next to nothing in terms of how valid your opinion is.

But since you started it

you didn't get. 99.65 ATAR. You didn't even get a fucking ATAR. You got a UAI you fucking sped. YOu may have got 99.65 UAI. OK Good job. nice. does that make you happy? is that why you worked so hard and got 99.65?

In a car race, one team might spend millions of dollars and hundreds of hours training for the race. And they might win. Because of all the work they put in. Not much of an achievement, right? The real achievement is the car who rocks up just before the race, not really caring how he finished, and through talent and smarts, comes a close second. Because really, he didn't give a fuck. He just did his shit and finished where nobody expected him. That'd fukin shock them.

My school is ranked at about 150. My subjects are 3u maths, 3u english, physics and chemistry. I don't give a fuck. I didn't do any study tonight. I plan on keeping a 10 hour a week study schedule in the 5 weeks before the HSC. Apart from that I might do an hour here and there, but I don't really care. I am currently top 10 in every subject (out of an average of 60 kids per subject). I know what admissions index I am participating in (I'm doing ATAR, you did UAI you fucking mess). I will come out of the HSC with a 90. This is enough to do pharmacy if i still feel like it. I might not. I might do something else. Who the fuck knows?

But heres what I wont do. I won't spend my golden years with my face in a book. I wont turn pale from lack of sunshine. Some chick having a go at me earlier said she was doing law. I will not study FUCKING LAW. Law? Seriously? Shit, go ahead. You might make coffee for three years. You might earn your Law degree. You might be the best. Then you can go around fucking up the lives of people who have nothing but the long dick of our fucked up legal system being repeatedly shoved deep into their already bleeding asses. Fukin good for you. But that is not for me.

A 99.65 ATAR is NOT for me.
Do you really not think it is an achievement to work hard and be rewarded for it? That's like saying that pretty much all great athletes didn't achieve greatly, because they put the effort in. If you keep up that attitude you won't go far.

Yet another pretty astronomical failure at interpreting a simple string of words. I never took merit from the fact that your score was in the form of a UAI. I just laughed at the fact that you don't even know what fucking system you're working under- you said you got an ATAR of 99.65. I pointed out how incredibly wrong that was.
I love how you accuse her of not being able to read, when she never said she got an ATAR. She said she's in a 99.65 ATAR course

You are seriously one of the dumbest posters on this forum, and that's saying something

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Aug 27, 2009
40% of all Australians admit to it. add in the ones that didn't, take away the ones who aren't ages 16-30. Yeah. I'm guessing then you'd have a majority.

Do you really not think it is an achievement to work hard and be rewarded for it? That's like saying that pretty much all great athletes didn't achieve greatly, because they put the effort in. If you keep up that attitude you won't go far.

I think it's an achievement, but from a deterministic point of view it's not too different to holding a match to a flame and the match igniting.

It's more of an achievement for someone who hasn't trained a day in his life to beat someone who's trained every day of his life.

Cause an effect, man. If you devote your life to something and finally achieve it, then OK, good job, you did what we all expected. Claps for you. But if you never intended for something to happen and it does (more so, above others who did intend it), then you're doing what no-one expected. You'e creating chaos. You're making life a little more interesting. That's an achievement.

I love how you accuse her of not being able to read, when she never said she got an ATAR. She said she's in a 99.65 ATAR course

Haha oh wow I just realized that. Thanks for pointing that out, it was actually pretty stupid of me. But, I don't think that takes too much away from what I meant when I said we could all make it to the top if we wanted. You know what they told you, "You can do anything you want, You can be an athlete or a scientist or a Doctor". That was 100% true. But for some of us, it's not worth it.

You are seriously one of the dumbest posters on this forum, and that's saying something

Yeah ok. <insert equally useless, generic, and meaningless comment here>


Aug 27, 2009
This is seriously the most stupid question ever. Why take a drug to enhance your studying ability? Why not just study hard, take vitamins and work hard like the majority of people. You will get a much higher self satisfaction level if you do it all on your own rather than using pharmaceutical support.

My brother is currently on Ritalin for severe ADHD and its not a good medication to be on, it has some side effects but some people have to take it to get any sort of concentration level. Embrace what has been given to you naturally.

As for vitamins, fish oil and ginko brahmi are fantastic for concentration and completely natural without side effects or damaging your body.
Don't post if you're going to contribute with a regurgitation of what someone else told you. Original thoughts please. Otherwise you're just filling these forums with shit that's already been said a million times.


Apr 16, 2009
Considering it affects your brain activity, I wouldn't risk it. I mean, it is made for a specific purpose. I know someone that keeps going on about taking dex but she's known to be a 'druggie'. If she did take it, didn't help her much.

Go the natural way, sleep well, eat well, manage your time, eat fish. rofl

HAHA I just read the rest of this thread. That was amusing.
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Aug 10, 2009
Dearest Spence and Klara:
Cowbell owns this thread, please kindly stop writing. Nothing would get into his thick skull.

For further information, please refer to:
Ask a Crack Hoe


Active Member
Oct 13, 2007
where there is pho and sugar cane drinks
^Ok i don't like the ideas of stimulant drugs to assist in study - that just sounds wrong to me. I'm guessing since you doubt the words of medical practitioners - wikipedia would suffice to substantiate any claims of ritalin being a detriment to one's wellbeing. "Cocaine-like effects can also occur with very large doses taken orally. The dose however, which produces euphoric effects varies between individuals. Methylphenidate is actually more potent than cocaine in its effect on dopamine transporters. Methylphenidate should not be viewed as a weak stimulant as has previously been hypothesised...Abuse of prescription stimulants is higher amongst college students than non-college attending young adults. College students misuse methylphenidate either as a study aid or to stay awake longer. The increased alcohol consumption due to stimulant misuse has additional negative effects on health...Methylphenidate's pharmacological effect on the central nervous system is almost identical to that of cocaine. Studies have shown that the two drugs are nearly indistinguishable when administered intravenously to cocaine addicts."

That being beside the point how do you guys even manage to get the drugs without prescription. Ritalin is a S8 drug which deals with ADHD (my sis and i were just reading this thread and she's a pharmacist) and that's on par with morphine. The scripts are written differently for S8 drugs and even then someone comes to your house every 6 months to see you still have the same amounts as those you've been prescribed. The only small loophole to this is doctor shopping and they still find people - you'd have to be pretty desperate to get your hands on ritalin.


Jan 5, 2010
Doesn't Ritalin have the opposite effect to people without ADD/ADHD?


Aug 27, 2009
^Ok i don't like the ideas of stimulant drugs to assist in study - that just sounds wrong to me. I'm guessing since you doubt the words of medical practitioners - wikipedia would suffice to substantiate any claims of ritalin being a detriment to one's wellbeing. "Cocaine-like effects can also occur with very large doses taken orally. The dose however, which produces euphoric effects varies between individuals. Methylphenidate is actually more potent than cocaine in its effect on dopamine transporters. Methylphenidate should not be viewed as a weak stimulant as has previously been hypothesised...Abuse of prescription stimulants is higher amongst college students than non-college attending young adults. College students misuse methylphenidate either as a study aid or to stay awake longer. The increased alcohol consumption due to stimulant misuse has additional negative effects on health...Methylphenidate's pharmacological effect on the central nervous system is almost identical to that of cocaine. Studies have shown that the two drugs are nearly indistinguishable when administered intravenously to cocaine addicts."

That being beside the point how do you guys even manage to get the drugs without prescription. Ritalin is a S8 drug which deals with ADHD (my sis and i were just reading this thread and she's a pharmacist) and that's on par with morphine. The scripts are written differently for S8 drugs and even then someone comes to your house every 6 months to see you still have the same amounts as those you've been prescribed. The only small loophole to this is doctor shopping and they still find people - you'd have to be pretty desperate to get your hands on ritalin.
Dude apart from weed/alcohol/cigarettes, most recreational drug use is through a street market of every pharmaceutical product known to man. It's all too easy to fake a condition to a doctor, especially one like ADHD. If you know the symptoms and accurately act them out, you're golden.

I'd assume pharmacists like your sister don't necessary need to detect drug seeking behavior as she doesn't actually write the prescriptions, but theres an entire section in becoming a GP based on detecting a drug seeker who is "faking".

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