LOVE: high waisted shorts and skirts, harem pants ( mc hammer styles)
HATE: those fucking stupid garbage bag pants...those black things.. and those denim tight things and CROCS why would u wear that shit!
Re: 2010'ers - We Are The New Decade
just make sure you guys study consistently throughout the year!
also year 12 goes by really REALLY fast so make sure you make the most of it!
i sincerely wish you guys the best of luck, i hope you all get the marks you truly deserve :)
as for me i...
The parallel method of system conversion is when the old and the new system are running side by side for some time. Its good cause any problems that arise can be solved before the old system is totally ditched
The phased conversions method involves gradual implementation of the new system. Some...
i chose it because the business world has always had some sort of an appeal to me. Hey it doesnt scale well but it is my most favourite subject =]. check out the past hsc exams and dl some of the notes on this site to see the content.. good luck with ur choice!