it was much better than i expectedi did no of pages - 8 7 7 think i did okayand YAYYYY!!! english advanced over forever!FUCK YOU YEATS.. im glad that bitch is over!=]
lol i wrote about schools tracking truants using that thing hahaahha
that exam was pretty good.... it was like SO MUCH BETTER than the independant trial we did at school!
and YAYYYY ipt = over FOREVER!
dont worry lol
i got a 60 in the freakin independant trial
and still have to go over the option topics and also start memorising for english since paper 1 was so fucked dono what they could throw at us now!
i am truly FUCKED.
i had a MASSIVE freakout earlier !!! but thats normal for me lol i always do this before exams.
hopefully i will be okay! as long as extended isnt finance =] heheh. its gonna be great to get all this content out of the way but then sigh fml english on weds!!
good luck to...
+ 1
good luck to op
just check out past reports and if u dont have time to do them all... just plan out your answer so you know what you are gonna say.
make sure u know ur syllabus dot points back to front..once you know the headings u can bs the rest :)