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  1. Lalaloop

    Selective Schools application

    Oh my? 100 for year 11?! Are you sure? I feel 10x more nervous... Do you have any tips for me on the exams? I'm actually considerimg getting tutoring... What do you think? And the Hurlstone, is it hard to get in? And what about the essay? What is it about? Sorry about so many questions... I'm...
  2. Lalaloop

    Selective Schools application

    Hey there crex! Thank you for answering my question! I'm really nervous about the Girraween test! How many people apply for Girraween? Do you think I should get a tutor or go to special classes? Thanks for the recommendation!
  3. Lalaloop

    Selective Schools application

    Oh no matter. I appreciate the advice nonetheless. Thank you!
  4. Lalaloop

    Selective Schools application

    Hello Kurosaki! Thank you for taking the time to reply. For Hurlstone, I really do like science and Ag is practical science, I assume. Oh, and for Girraween, how many people apply? I'm really nervous about it. Do you recommend getting a tutor or having some classes? Thanks! ;)
  5. Lalaloop

    Selective Schools application

    Oh thank you for replying! I appreciate the advice. How many people do you think apply at Girraween? Do you go Girraween? Thanks! ;)
  6. Lalaloop

    Thank you for removing the post! ;)

    Thank you for removing the post! ;)
  7. Lalaloop

    Selective Schools application

    Hey there guys! I'm kinda new to this website, so please help me out a little. :) I'm in Year 10 now and I'm really enthusiastic about getting into a selective school. Right now I'm at a school I don't really like and I feel year 10 is my last chance to get away from it. Here are my schools...