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  1. Lalaloop

    Hurlstone entrance exam

    No, they make their own exams...
  2. Lalaloop

    Selective Schools- chances of getting in?

    HAHA. No worries, but are you sure you want to go Parra High? I've heard that partially selective schools mix their selective and non-selective streams in senior years... Defeats the purpose of going to a selective school... Yeah, go for it! I'll cheer you on! See you a the exam date?
  3. Lalaloop

    Selective Schools- chances of getting in?

    Hey there! Well, after considering what you have written above, I strongly suggest to go with with! Fort Street and Girraween both have exams (henceforth a better chance to get in if your reports aren't all A's). What year are you in anyway? Year 11 has the most spots (for a majority of schools...
  4. Lalaloop

    Selective Schools application

    Thank you WTFNOOB123! :) You're applying, too? Good luck with your application! Do your best! ^__^
  5. Lalaloop

    Selective Schools application

    Yeah, it has to be sent, I think. Verify with the website. >.<
  6. Lalaloop

    What subjects are you doing for 2014?

    Hai Yeah, I'm Filipino! Oh my your username is so Filo!! *hi-fives back*
  7. Lalaloop

    Selective Schools application

    Hey Kokame, Oh no worries at all! Yes, I'm going Fort Street and I'm trying my best! Why? You know, just do your best and they won't let you go! I haven't seen the topic, I'm trying to do my best.
  8. Lalaloop

    My Selective School Choies !:) RATE! :D

    I thought you were applying Ruse? :P
  9. Lalaloop

    What subjects are you doing for 2014?

    I think I'll be doing the ff subjects: Extension English ( another extension in year 12) General Mathematics Biology Chemistry Filipino as a LOTE Studies of Religion Business Studies
  10. Lalaloop

    High School choices for next year, not a straight A student

    Hey, you're applying Girraween, too! *High-5!* Well, I don't know if Penrith has a test, but Girraween does and it counts for everything according to some people. Well, your report seems a bit dry... Saint Marys Senior isn't a selective school... More of a comprehensive... but a ridiculous...
  11. Lalaloop

    Hey mister! Thanks for being so awesome and helping me with my application to Girraween. God...

    Hey mister! Thanks for being so awesome and helping me with my application to Girraween. God Bless you and goold luck with your HSC!
  12. Lalaloop

    Selective School Application... Again!

    Oh! THANK YOU! :') HAHA. Well, Sydney Boys does better than Girra anyway... :) I'm so glad I posted on this thread!
  13. Lalaloop

    Selective School Application... Again!

    How could Girraweeen be your last prefference? It's a lovely school! ^_^ Did you get in?
  14. Lalaloop

    Selective School Application... Again!

    HAHA. Is Girraween your first preference?
  15. Lalaloop

    Help with choosing a selective school!

    Penrith is quite far away from where you are, MissyL.
  16. Lalaloop

    Help with choosing a selective school!

    Thank you very much! :D I'll do my best and hope I made the right choices.
  17. Lalaloop

    Year 9 Science research project

    ...Using cabbage as a natural indicator - google it. Lots of pretty colours Experiments with calculations also tend to be better as it shows far more involvement. Though to add to that, there's nothing wrong with your idea.
  18. Lalaloop

    Help with choosing a selective school!

    I wouldn't care about them... Well, unless... HAHA.
  19. Lalaloop

    Help with choosing a selective school!

    HAHA. Sorry about that! I didn't mean to be mean about Penrith Selective... I know it's a good school, but not as good as Girra, Ruse and Baulko! HAHA. Thank you for the advice... How many do you think apply for Ruse? And do you go Penrith? I didn't mean to offend anyone! :(
  20. Lalaloop

    Help with choosing a selective school!

    Nothing wrong with same-sexed schools... Just so tired of the b*tches at my school. I also want a good learning environment and a good cohort to help me with that. Please, don't laugh at me, but I've always wanted to go Girraween... *sigh*... too bad I got sick on test week and could't sit it...