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  1. RealiseNothing

    Share your 2015 HSC results here

    That 86 is your final mark, it doesn't change. It's not your raw mark, it's already been through the aligning process and everything.
  2. RealiseNothing

    USYD Chatter Thread

    Re: Semester 2 USYD Chatter Thread If my special permission gets approved I think I will give it a go, it looks pretty interesting. One last problem with my subject selections, I thought about trying STAT2911 but turns out it clashes with metric spaces so idk what to do lol.
  3. RealiseNothing

    USYD Chatter Thread

    Re: Semester 2 USYD Chatter Thread I have basically no bio background lol, so if it's basic that's good. It looks like a lot of memorisation though which is the only thing that worries me.
  4. RealiseNothing

    USYD Chatter Thread

    Re: Semester 2 USYD Chatter Thread I'm not really into physics so will probs give them a miss. Yep, you have to email usyd enquiries iirc. I'm not a bio person so I'm worried it might be too hard.
  5. RealiseNothing

    USYD Chatter Thread

    Re: Semester 2 USYD Chatter Thread I only did PHYS1901 and it was my worst subject of the year lol. So I'm guessing I should avoid 3974 and 3977? I'm 95% sure I will do 3963 (considered saving it for honours but don't think I will). I'm 95% sure I will do 3977 (I liked 2970 and did pretty...
  6. RealiseNothing

    USYD Chatter Thread

    Re: Semester 2 USYD Chatter Thread I've recently heard MATH3978 is run very poorly, so I'm not too sure if I want to do it now. Also I didn't do too well in MATH2965, but tbh that's because I had MATH2968 the day before and put all my effort into that instead. I'm very close to choosing...
  7. RealiseNothing

    USYD Chatter Thread

    Re: Semester 2 USYD Chatter Thread Pretty sure I won't do COMP3068 now. I have one more spot free first sem that I want to do with the gf. So it's between MBLG2071 and ANAT2008 atm. I could always just do an extra unit sem 2 if nothing else works out though.
  8. RealiseNothing

    USYD Chatter Thread

    Re: Semester 2 USYD Chatter Thread My units for next year: Sem 1 Metric Spaces Galois Theory Sem 2 Measure Theory Differential Geometry Now for sem 1 I will probably do biomaths (differential equations or whatever it's called now), and for sem 2 I will probably do third year financial...
  9. RealiseNothing

    USYD Chatter Thread

    Re: Semester 2 USYD Chatter Thread So I'm currently on 141 CP after enrolling in next year and not sure what to do. I need 144CP right? Can I apply for special permission and do 147CP instead?
  10. RealiseNothing

    USYD Chatter Thread

    Re: Semester 2 USYD Chatter Thread MATH2970 - 88 MATH3061 - 88 everything else - shit
  11. RealiseNothing

    Favourite 4U Topic

    Still straight forward. Integration is (as far as HSC goes) really uncreative.
  12. RealiseNothing

    HSC 2016 MX2 Marathon ADVANCED (archive)

    Re: HSC 2016 4U Marathon - Advanced Level Girlfriend did it, cbf changing back.
  13. RealiseNothing

    USYD Chatter Thread

    Re: Semester 2 USYD Chatter Thread I heard nothing has changed. It's just that there was very little biomaths before and people were being deceived into thinking the whole unit was about biomaths lol.
  14. RealiseNothing

    HSC 2016 MX2 Marathon ADVANCED (archive)

    Re: HSC 2016 4U Marathon - Advanced Level Pretty easy to prove it though.
  15. RealiseNothing

    Jobs you can get with commerce degree?

    If you are doing maths/engo etc you're better off doing prop trading than IB anyway.
  16. RealiseNothing

    Complex number locus questions

    For the image you provided, the point should be BELOW the x-axis.
  17. RealiseNothing

    Nature of Advanced Mathematics Major

    This post is for USYD, but I guess it would be similar for UNSW? You'll do heaps of different topics such as: - Linear Algebra (algebra) - Group Theory (algebra) - Analysis - Topology First year: Semester 1 you do differential calculus and linear algebra. In differential calculus you learn...
  18. RealiseNothing

    Good enough for a 99.95 ?

    lmao it's like how at my school four people got 102/105 for trials, yet no one got a band 6 in the actual HSC.
  19. RealiseNothing

    HSC 2016 MX2 Marathon ADVANCED (archive)

    Re: HSC 2016 4U Marathon - Advanced Level That's the same instinct I had whilst thinking about why we get two different probabilities. Might look into it a bit more since it seems way more counter-intuitive than even the Monty Hall problem. When I did this question I was assuming the...
  20. RealiseNothing

    What is so special about James Ruse or any other selective?

    Of course there are hard workers/high achievers at public schools. Flop just made a generalisation that there are A LOT more of them at selective schools.