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  1. RealiseNothing

    University of Sydney Roll Call 2016

    Bachelor of Science (Mathematics) - Third year
  2. RealiseNothing

    USYD Chatter Thread

    Re: Semester 2 USYD Chatter Thread Anyone done FINC3021: Finance Theory recently? How mathematical is it? What's it like? Also asking for a friend, does anyone know/have done NUTM3001? If so what is it like?
  3. RealiseNothing

    Applied/Pure Mathematics majors?

    This is right.
  4. RealiseNothing

    Higher Level Integration Marathon & Questions

    Re: Extracurricular Integration Marathon Let B_R(t)=Re^{it} for 0 \leq t \leq \frac{\pi}{4} Then B'_R(t)=Rie^{it} So we have: |\int_{B_R} e^{-z^2}dz| \leq \int_0^{\frac{\pi}{4}}|e^{-(Re^{it})^2}Rie^{it}|dt =\int_0^{\frac{\pi}{4}} Re^{-R^2cos(2t)} dt \to 0 $~as~$ R \to \infty \int_{B_R}...
  5. RealiseNothing

    HSC 2016 MX2 Marathon ADVANCED (archive)

    Re: HSC 2016 4U Marathon - Advanced Level At least for people who've been around awhile (me/sy/etc)
  6. RealiseNothing

    HSC 2016 MX2 Marathon ADVANCED (archive)

    Re: HSC 2016 4U Marathon - Advanced Level Pretty sure it was obvious anyway :p
  7. RealiseNothing

    Is University worth it ?

    You're forgetting tax though and other stuff. Like tax alone, on a 60k salary, you'll be paying 11k. So you will only be getting 49k a year.
  8. RealiseNothing

    HSC 2016 MX2 Marathon ADVANCED (archive)

    Re: HSC 2016 4U Marathon - Advanced Level Yep there's no denying they can be very hard, but still possible for a smart HSC student given they try for long enough.
  9. RealiseNothing

    HSC 2016 MX2 Marathon ADVANCED (archive)

    Re: HSC 2016 4U Marathon - Advanced Level I don't think uni maths is required for the questions in this thread tbh. Uni maths has quite a different flavour to high school maths.
  10. RealiseNothing

    Investment Banking

    Another pretty good option is prop trading, but it's very hard to get into and the exit opportunities aren't good (but when you're making that much you don't really need any lol).
  11. RealiseNothing

    Interesting mathematical statements

    Pretty pumped to do this in galois theory this sem (apparently it's related to the A_{60} group from algebra?).
  12. RealiseNothing

    Career possibilities with a Bachelor of Maths

    My bet is the people telling you that don't actually do maths themselves. There's plenty of opportunities; academia, teaching, finance, meteorology, oceanology, statistician, etc. At the moment I'm in the final round interview for an internship with a company that hires specifically maths...
  13. RealiseNothing

    Which university is the best for primary school teaching?

    USYD have a really good education department.
  14. RealiseNothing

    Talented Students Program and Special Studies Program

    You can't exactly quantify which is better (rankings don't mean that much for undergraduate). But the way they are usually compared is: USYD is more focused on research, UNSW is more focused on industry (can look at rankings for this, USYD ranks slightly higher for research, UNSW ranks slightly...
  15. RealiseNothing

    Share your 2015 HSC results here

    Marking the HSC last year doesnt make her a credible marker tbh. When I did my HSC, the person ranked first got 103/105 in trials from a HSC senior marker, yet in the actual HSC got 80/105. Your marks can not decrease, even if there is an error.
  16. RealiseNothing

    How is my ATAR so low?

    Not really, need to have like 90+ HSC marks for that to happen.
  17. RealiseNothing

    Talented Students Program and Special Studies Program

    You really shouldn't let your bias affect your advice to somebody about their future, that seems kinda unethical tbh. Not just this, but I always see UNSW people spamming "UNSW is the best, go there". You are helping some one decide their future, don't be a dick. To anyone reading, UNSW is...
  18. RealiseNothing

    Our marks

    Nothing will happen to them, they are your marks.