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  1. Gloves

    Stimulus Package

    yeah they do. my uncle jamal isn't a very bright cookie.
  2. Gloves

    Do you support the use of Torture ?

    in the sense that one thing is dense and another thing isn't. :)
  3. Gloves

    Crash Scene Desensitisation: Entertainment or Horror?

    why are we so intrigued by death? when i had my accident, it was distressing to see people PHONING their friends and family to come and watch what had happened instead of trying to help. fucking pricks.
  4. Gloves

    Rudd to build broadband network

    you're really not making any sense.
  5. Gloves

    hey guys, please post lots of things on my board so that i can be one of the cool kids.

    hey guys, please post lots of things on my board so that i can be one of the cool kids.
  6. Gloves

    Rudd to build broadband network

    what message? you're speaking in riddles man. make some sense.
  7. Gloves

    Rudd to build broadband network

    this actually is a pretty interesting point.
  8. Gloves

    Rudd to build broadband network

    so's your attempt at being 'cool'.
  9. Gloves

    Stimulus Package

    eww man. therese fondelling rudd = not something i want to think about.
  10. Gloves

    Rudd to build broadband network

    what's a WAN? is it like a wang? cause it'd be heaps funny if the government built a penis which stretched across the entire continent, albeit a waste of money. but still funny.
  11. Gloves

    Stimulus Package

    this joke never gets old.
  12. Gloves

    How long can Pakistan survive?

    i've been to israel. for serious, i have.
  13. Gloves

    Stimulus Package

    you won't be getting any money.
  14. Gloves

    Stimulus Package

    if you received all your tax paid dollars back, then no. are you signed up with centrelink? are you receiving student allowance?
  15. Gloves

    Do you support the use of Torture ?

    uhh yes? dun you see me spelling grammer?
  16. Gloves

    Do you support the use of Torture ?

    lol, u dnt even noe nufing. muslims built d world. wivout muslims we wuldnt even hav maffs or science or like anyfin good. we'd b stuck in d iceworld. u dumbo. hav u evar herd of al gebar?!?! do u noe who dat i?s?
  17. Gloves

    Do you support the use of Torture ?

    dun b so racialist! not all muslims are terror people! der not even muslim d 1's who do da terrorist thing.
  18. Gloves

    Anyone here do strength training?

    well, bacsically when you have your feet how they'd be when you're doing tranditional pushups, your legs are doing some of the work, which means that some of the strength goes into your legs, and not fully into your arms. putting your feet in a bellerina pose basically makes your legs void, i.e...
  19. Gloves

    Anyone here do strength training?

    pushups, especially the way you're doing them (you're putting wayy to much weight on your wrists) can seriously fuck your wrists up and cause you damage. if you must do pushups, do ballerina style pushups. you use you fists instead of your hands and you have your feet posed in a ballerina...
  20. Gloves

    Anyone here do strength training?

    waste of time imho.