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  1. Gloves

    Do you support the use of Torture ?

    what? you actually support giving children the cane in school? insanity.
  2. Gloves

    Israel troops admit Gaza abuses

    By saying this you are basically a murderer at heart. Do you know this?
  3. Gloves

    Hungry Jack's Quad Stack

    hey kevin, you must have quite the large mouth to fit all that in. ;);););)
  4. Gloves

    Do you support the use of Torture ?

    buh if dey do da terror fing, then surely dey suurender all dey rights? aint that truue?!
  5. Gloves

    Do you support the use of Torture ?

    if dey terrorrorist do bombings, den dey give up dey human righhts! i say torture dem ararbs! and get ya information to stop dey boming.
  6. Gloves

    Q's For Girls!

    to fuck some lebos up?
  7. Gloves

    Q's For Girls!

    not very funny at all.
  8. Gloves

    Q's For Girls!

    girls, when asked what your 'ultimate fantasy' is, im pretty certain that's referring to a sex act of some sorts, not who you would like to sex. just helping out.
  9. Gloves

    ahaha, nah brother, your thread is still on here. click this link...

    ahaha, nah brother, your thread is still on here. click this link:
  10. Gloves

    Could an underaged child who sends naked pictures of themselves be charged with c.p?

    Re: Could an underaged child who sends naked pictures of themselves be charged with c ahahaha, it's just silly.
  11. Gloves

    How long can Pakistan survive?

    hey guys, serious question here. is it true people in pakistan live in houses made from hardened cardboard? i'm fucking serious . i heard about this shit.
  12. Gloves

    Guys with long hair or short hair?

    is there something wrong with pattison's jaw? it looks overly big. like ebony's boobs.