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  1. Gloves

    Horse riding

    Shouldn't this be in the sex forum?
  2. Gloves


    i haven't watched this in so long. i used to watch this religiously. is harold the fat man still there? i do the meanest harold impersonation.
  3. Gloves

    Why do guys love it when girls cry over them

    were his arms flailing uncontrollably the whole time? and was he also licking his hands?
  4. Gloves

    Why do guys love it when girls cry over them

    i've only got a very mild cough. i wouldn't say that i'm sick.
  5. Gloves

    Mother v V v Red Bull v Rockstar

    i've become really sick of these sorts of drinks. nowadays, i just drink powerade.
  6. Gloves

    Man bites off friend's penis and swallows it

    i.e. must have been an asian man.
  7. Gloves

    Fountain Pens!

    here is my amazing hand writing. sorry it's a bit unclear.
  8. Gloves

    Fountain Pens!

    ok, i will.
  9. Gloves

    Man bites off friend's penis and swallows it

    this story makes me cringe. but apparently you don't necessarily need your penis. it's more convenient, but not entirely necessary. it's the testes that count. i could be wrong.
  10. Gloves

    Fountain Pens!

    i've got amazing hand writing. like truly amazing.
  11. Gloves

    Should polygamous marriages be legal?

    Well, if it was in a book, of course it's true!
  12. Gloves

    Exam Stories

    in a year 9 geography exam, a group of about 30 of us decided to intentionally collapse our tables one at a time at every 5 minute interval. it was the funniest shit. the tables collapsed really easily. all you had to do was hit the spoke connecting the wooden top to the legs.
  13. Gloves

    Why do guys love it when girls cry over them

    my cousin is spastic.
  14. Gloves

    How long can Pakistan survive?

    that cap they wear on their heads. it looks like a dick. :. dickheads. geddit?!?1
  15. Gloves

    How long can Pakistan survive?

    just think about it. seriously, once you figure it out, you'll laugh lots.
  16. Gloves

    How long can Pakistan survive?

    they're dickheads man. who sees what i did there?
  17. Gloves

    New York/Chicago

    Go visit opera in chicago!
  18. Gloves

    Dear CityRail

    why the ':/' face?