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  1. G

    For those who did get laptops for uni

    Ah well, then I highly reccommend it.
  2. G

    For those who did get laptops for uni

    I have a tablet. They are absolutely useless. Nobody ever uses them. The only time I ever used it in HS was when I was so bored of a class I'd scribble around with it in paint type programs. Why not just use a notepad or type? Tablets are stupid.
  3. G

    For those who did get laptops for uni

    I have a laptop, but not one that I bought for uni. I've had this laptop though high school, I had the 1st laptop from yr7-10 and this in 11 and 12, so its only two years and old and still pretty good. Not sure how much I'll use it uni, didn't end up using it that much in year 12 (Never used it...
  4. G

    Counsellor is pretty much the only job you can get with a Psychology degree, eh?

    There are quite a lot of potential areas: Potential jobs for someone with a psych degree: Something pretty dull/crappy imo: Counsellor (You would probably not need a psych degree for this lol), Social Worker, Psychology teacher for HS. Bit better: Sports psychologist (Perhaps you could...
  5. G

    Bachelor or commerce vs bachelor of marketing (pls answer)

    I think the marketing option is better if you definitely know that is what you want to do. In the commerce degree you'll start with other stuff like economics, finance, accounting etc. If you like the other aspects of commerce and don't have a problem with starting out doing more subjects, then...
  6. G

    Which Uni? Which Major?

    I'm sort of in the same boat as you I think. I concentrated on trying to get into Melb Arts without really considering whether Monash or Latrobe or whoever else had a better Arts degree. I've heard from someone who did Arts latrobe and is now postgrad philosophy that Melbourne lost a couple of...
  7. G

    "Stephenie Meyers can't write" - Stephen King

    Absolutely true, she can't write. Even as a 17 year old who as never attempted to write his own book, or even finished year 12 VCE english (yet, less than a month to go) I feel completely safe in saying right now that she cannot write. I read a page, it was awful, I'm sorry thats all I read to...
  8. G

    Matthew Reilly books

    Read most of his stuff. Read contest, SSS, Temple, Area 7. Its true, he isn't a great writer, its action transposed to the page. Its still ok reading, but by the time I'd read SSS I was getting a little tired of it. Not the best writer, but can be entertaining and is easy to read.
  9. G

    School Prescribed Texts

    Highlights: Definitely The Catcher in the Rye (Yr10) If only I got to do it @ VCE.... also liked The Crucible in year 10...In year 11...Macbeth and Triage were great...Cry of the wolf in year 8....Year 12...all the texts were good, but none as good as the year 10 ones which I really enjoyed...