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  1. G

    is smoking weed bad?

    I personally would not smoke weed due to my view that basically weed makes you a fuckin dropper. Ofc it isn't always true, but in general people who regularly smoke it tend to be stoned deadshits who just can't acquire the drive to succeed.
  2. G


    Do HS, ensure you can get into an Arts program, do one year of that and get a distinction. Transfer internally (or externally, though likely more difficult).
  3. G

    Interstate Transfer.

    Melbourne Uni is a good choice for Arts, RMIT is not, I wouldn't think too many people go their for an Arts degree, though it is apparently good for media and journalism. From what I've heard Melbourne is pretty much the VIC leader for Arts, though I go to Monash and it is pretty good here...
  4. G

    Uni assignments

    Yeah it seems a lot of people hate intext because it sort of ruins the flow. I'm the student though, so that isn't my problem lol, mine is that I have four subjects and three diff referencing systems. It used to be that pretty much everyone went by the one system, but now every little faculty...
  5. G

    ITT: FML I hate uni.

    I do management, it is actually a joke, a joke that requires heaps of aimless waffling and involves mostly common sense, that is unecessarily backed up by dumb common sense theory. I am moving far away from this joke as soon as possible.
  6. G

    Same course in different University.

    I've actually heard that LaTrobe is particularly good for psychology, one of the universities top areas. I actually go to Monash though lol, and I know a couple of people doing psych, haven't really asked about it too much but I haven't heard anything bad, a number of people who do subjects I'm...
  7. G

    Law at Monash-

    Ah ok thanks. Yes this fits with what I heard from a current law student who said that the plan was off due to a lack of funding. Also dste6 do you know if there is mid year entry to law internally? (after only one semester at Monash).
  8. G

    Why is everyone choosing finance with engneering?

    Because they want to become head of finance @ an engineering firm (which would presumably have a fairly good salary)?
  9. G

    Law at Monash-

    Hmm, well I suppose some Clayton law people will be a little pissed, but Arts/Law shouldn't be too bad, as Arts is already held at Caulfield anyway, just less subjects to choose from I suspect. As for Caulfield being a concrete jungle - sort of true lol - there is a distinct lack of real...
  10. G

    Law at Monash-

    I read somewhere that Law is moving to Caulfield in 2011. Anyone know if this is true? I'm currently at Caulfield doing Arts/Business and considering switching degrees at the end of the year, possibly Arts/Law, if I got the marks - whatever they are - and if this is true then it'd be better than...
  11. G

    ITT: FML I hate uni.

    Assignment of 1500w and test 1st day back, then next day another 1500w assignment. And all those readings tht I was 'planning' on catching up on but didn't and probably won't lol.
  12. G

    I want to be a Psychologist?

    I don't think Psych actually has that much to do with Freud anymore. Most people think that Freud was a bit of a nutjob who based too much of human development around sexuality and threw sexist stuff out there with little proof. I think some of his theories are interesting, though really a lot...
  13. G

    Help with referencing

    Hmmm, none of my subjects use footnotes, its all in text for me, like Thompson (2005) written into the sentence, then the entire publication type details and so on at the end in the reference list. I've also found the referencing a bit of a change. Times gone by I'd just chuck a few footnotes...
  14. G

    Cult Classic?

    I wouldn't say that some of these books are cult classics, really. Some of them are extremely well known, highly thought after, and quite mainstream. The catcher in the rye, 1984, a clockwork orange - all very well known. American Psycho is more of a cult book, the film even more so, it has a...
  15. G

    ONE NOTE v Handwriting Notes

    I write pretty much all uni notes by hand in a notebook, not that I write a whole lot in lectures. I could use One Note or similar tablet programs on my laptop, but I don't because it is not only pointless (Tablets are useless, waste of money, I don't advise buying one) but I find a computer is...
  16. G

    Lecturer Quotes

    I am dreading my one semester of compulsary introductory accounting. Unit 1/2 Accounting at school was the worst. It was v boring, and frequently the teacher would announce how boring it was, and how boring accountants were in general, and how there was no blame for anyone who decided to ditch...
  17. G

    Lecturer Quotes

    "We'll be looking at Freud..who was kind of a douche"
  18. G

    If You Could Choose A Text To Study For English, For Your HSC, What Would It Be?

    1. Fight Club - for sure, be heaps to write about. 2. The Silence of the lambs. Awesome book, great writing, don't know much could be written in terms of analysis on it though. 3. One flew over the cuckoo's nest. 4. Catcher in the Rye. The first three have the bonus of the film, #4 is on VCE...
  19. G

    Lecturer Quotes

    Management lecture: * A select few walk out * Lecturer: Anyone else want to leave? * A few more people walk out * * A dozen people walk out* Management lecture: Lecturer: Will people please stop talking!? Lecturer: You sir, stop talking Lecturer: Yes, you! Lecturer...
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    ITT: FML I hate uni.

    It really is, management is the only tute where I get this feeling like I'm still in school, having to hand in some stupid piss easy questions or get kicked out of the damn class, wasting time on stupid definitions and rephrasing...