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  1. X

    First day on a software engineering job -- what to expect?

    I'm new to the workforce and have never had a job before. My first job is at a small, relaxed software engineering firm. What should I expect? Any tips? I've got the dress code, lunch, and commute worked out... but what should I expect once I get there?
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    General Thoughts: Economics

    You'll do fine and get a decent mark. It'd have been great to also talk about WHY expansionary would make things worse, and the slight positive benefits of expansionary policies as well, but what's done is done.
  3. X

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Mine got "confiscated" after I took the screen, keyboard, RAM, and hard drive out used it to repair/improve my personal Thinkpad. Ok, sure, I'll happily give back the shell and mobo!
  4. X

    Why can't we take the exam out of the Exam Room anymore?

    The accessibility of the internet has meant that there's little reason FOR taking your copy of the exam booklet. I can see some minor issues for restricting it (some morons probably take MCs; easier to conceal notes as 'exam paper')
  5. X

    What to do in the morning before an afternoon exam?

    Do some light studying, and reviewing on your theory. Focus on difficult formulas. Do a set of multiple choice questions to warm up and reinforce some concepts. Relax and be in the best condition to do your exam.
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    Smuggling Food/Drinks into HSC

    Our school principal handed out lil plastic bags of lollies. Is very nice if you get anxious.
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    NAIRU + reasons for differences

    I guess some people might have interpreted the question as reasons for differences. I personally think that if you read it correctly, it is quite clearly stating how well typical policies will do is a country is at NAIRU. The BoS may decide to give both interpretations full marks, or it may cap...
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    How does eco essay marking work?

    in that case, band 6 here i come lol
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    How does eco essay marking work?

    I personally think macroeconomic policies are a lot more straightforward. Very simple, and easy to talk about in-depth. International organisations / trade agreements just feels shallow to me.
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    Illness/Misadventure in Exams - will it be accepted?

    He gets an estimate based on his trial marks.
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    How does eco essay marking work?

    Q26 = Moderate align up Q27 = Small/moderate align up My 2 cents. I personally did Q25 and Q28. I'd rather do the questions where I know I'll get a 17-19 instead of doing something for a 15-17 and hoping aligning will carry up me up.
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    Essay: Wrote wrong question number in booklet

    What if you accidentally wrote the wrong question number in the writing booklet, but your answer was undoubtedly referring to the other question? Will the marker go "Heh heh 0"?
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    multi choices

    I hope you did not actually waste time doing that in your head. You can see X=M for both years, you can totally ignore that. Mentally add 500+200+300 = 1000, easy. Mentally add 550+250+300, = 1100, easy. (You know the last one was 1000, there's two new 50s here). 1100 / 110 = 1 (A) Did it...
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    What if you don't sign the completion record?

    What if you don't authorise the BoS to display the results?
  15. X

    multi choices

    AD = C+I+G+(X-M) Yr 1 AD (GDP) = 1000 Yr 2 AD (GDP) = 1100 Nominal increase: 1.1 CPI: 1.1 Real increase: Nominal / CPI; 1.1 / 1.1 = 1 aka 0 increase (remained at 100%) (A)
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    General Thoughts: Economics

    No. "In economics, an externality is the cost or benefit that affects a party who did not choose to incur that cost or benefit." Intention is irrelevant. Recycling and anything else pollution-related affects everyone, not just the parties to a transaction. If something is good it cannot be a...
  17. X

    General Thoughts: Economics

    how the **** did you do that thanks <3
  18. X

    Hidden unemployment question?

    "How is the measure of the unemployment rate in Australia influenced by hidden unemployment?" 2 marks Someone scanned the exam and uploaded it ALREADY lol. Not sure how. You should get the full two marks if you express correctly that hidden unemployment is not included in the...
  19. X

    How does eco essay marking work?

    It's hard to say. I would say this year's essays are a little bit easier than last years. On the other hand, I'm certain the growth question will be aligned higher. How have you been doing in trials?