My last exam was SDD. I just did it in 1hr 45mins and left early, super easy. Expecting a state rank (I estimate I got 96-97 raw; I'm #1 internally).
I'm done with the HSC, yay!
What MC questions confused you?
For me, the very first question. (I didn't know what an Gantt chart was).
Also, the question about string/int/real sorting. I couldn't remember if "." and "-" came before the numbers in ASCII, so just guessed "String".
Pretty sure the sorts question was...
How did everyone go?
I finished the exam in 1 hour and 45 minutes and left. Everything was easy except 3 things I got wrong (MC Q1, MC string/real sorting Q, structure chart flag filled in or not). I'm expecting 96-97 / 100. Hopefully that's enough to state rank, although I woudn't be...
You can request a judge only trial if you wish and it may be approved by the court. The constitution grants you the right to be heard in front of a jury, but if you certainly can request a judge only trial.
Self defense is a complete defense for manslaughter too. This is the correct answer.
A retrospective law that creates a criminal liability is equivalent to a bill of attainder, which is prohibited by the separation of powers.
Other retrospective laws have not been seen to be in breach of separation of powers, although I don't think this has been extensively tested.
In this...
Every single piece of response must be matched to a student, and there must be a booklet found for everything students marked on the confirmation sheet.
Strict liability means that the prosecutor does not need to prove mens rea.
It's Summary + Strict Liability.
Also fare evasion is an economic offense, not public order.
I was wrong. Children's court can indeed issue cautions.
"The Children’s Court may give a caution under the YOA if the offence is one for
which a caution may be given. If the c
ourt exercises this option, the Local Area
Commander of the police station (closest to where...
To add to what GoldyOrNugget said, there's always open source projects. Contribute to some and start your own. I'm sure you have great ideas for projects -- go out and implement them, and learn what you don't know yet.
Why work experience anyway? You'll find out if you like programming or not...
Full time work, but I'm keeping my options open. If there's no fit or I don't like the job / environment, I'm going to uni.
Seconded! I know a high school dropout who is a Google T5 Software Engineer. Good companies are merit based. You don't want to work for companies that'll ignore you...
This is very untrue. It is harder to get a job without a degree, but certainly doable. I landed a job of my top preference without a degree, for example :)
Once you have experience, getting other jobs becomes very easy in the tech sector. You have the valuable work history and contacts. I asked...
I'll let you know! Very nervous though.
It's an app development / consulting firm. I'm coding in Swift and Objective C. I haven't gone to uni yet; I'm doing the HSC as we speak.
I'm hired after two interviews; not work experience. I have a few apps on the App Store including one that got...