i've been told that it depends on the course and its availability. So say its impossible to get into medicine with the bonus points cause its high demand course, but i've found that all the unis and UTS are good with facebook messaging, so just shoot a pm to them and ask the same question.
My view on PDHPE and Modern History - I did both during year 11 and dropped Modern during year 12. Although modern was a fantastic subject to learn, it was very content heavy and took the majority of the time. I made the logical decision of dropping it and focusing on my other units to do better...
Hey Guys,
So I have trials starting Monday and i'm stressing! For the people who have done the tempest for their trials, what type of questions will they ask? I'm guessing the question is focused around a specific theme??? Is it really important to give quotes?
Ok these are my recommendations:
Do English Advanced - scales a whole heap better and you have the option to drop whereas if you do standard its impossible to go up
Do the subjects YOU personally enjoy and pick subjects that may be relevant to what you want you do in the future - if you want...
Trials are in a week for business studies and I am struggling to learn the syllabus. Maybe its just me, but theres a ton to learn, so anyone have any tips to learn the syllabus cause they ask fairly broad questions which you need to know the syllabus to answer well.
Hey guys, so I didn't really do enough study over the holidays that I should have and I have trials upcoming next week cause i was super tired and crashed!! So i have totally lost motivation to study. Do you guys have any useful tips from past or present students on how to motivate to do more...