Search results

  1. J

    Atar estimate please!!!

    80s not possible as of now - if you did advanced and were at a higher ranked school possible, but anything can happen looking around 65-70 ish - improve english results
  2. J

    Modern history vs society and culture?

    what appeals to you the most? Ask past students/teachers questions about the subjects
  3. J

    When are your trials?

    half way through now. Had two days off english paper 2 monday!
  4. J

    Atar estimate

    84 boost your ancient and you should go up a fair bit
  5. J

    ATAR Estimate Please! :D

    90ish looks like chem needs work but that's a lot of band 6s for english!!!!
  6. J

    Surprises to give boyfriend

    hahah this made my night
  7. J

    No idea what i want to do in uni?? HELP?

    you could run your own business doing something along the lines of maths/science???
  8. J

    Trials start Monday but I got sick?!

    depending on what the situation was. If its strung out over a period of time say months for just having a common cold then yes it would be suspicious but if it was something like glandular fever than that's different. If they haven't asked then dont worry
  9. J

    Year 12 Subject Selection???

    like it will certainly not be an easy task but by looking at your rankings it looks like you're a determined student and like your subjects. If you enjoy film do it as a major project for sure. I reckon you can do it. It will certainly keep your options open, cause you never know you may change...
  10. J

    Trials start Monday but I got sick?!

    for us you get a med certificate and you sit the exam and they take it into consideration. is that the same for you?
  11. J

    Early Entry Advice

    I did pretty poorly in english year 11 (36% ranked 95/105) yeah i know, but half yearly got 88% (ranked 42/105), do they like improvements or do they want pass marks for every subject? other subjects were pretty good except maths where i am ranked 38/47
  12. J

    Early Entry Advice

    Has anyone here been through the early entry application for UOW? Any tips you can give me? I would like to do a Bachelor of Commerce/Business! Thanks :)
  13. J

    General discussion of PDHPE

    Not really . Business studies, Maths and maybe geography are the ones that are relevant for the subjects i do