alright if you wanna get technical *i know self defense ....AND ATTACK !
BAHA....i have tactics :) one of which is letting you THINK your winning xD wouldnt hurt me ;)
and LOL at the last wish ;)
hahaha...*shakes head* your a persistant bastard i'll give you that :p
but i know self kinda have to around my area...i bet i could kick your arse :)
>:( meanie...nahh i'm only pissed off at dad....everyone else i'm fine with :D ...although if you keep saying that shit you might just get a punch in the face if i ever meet you :)
:O go...just go ... jks... i love macs...but i'm not that much of a mac snob :P
:O no it is NOT! i dont get that bad pms even if it wouldnt be able to tell...LOL...
hahaha we do
and yeahh i am ... still sucks that i have to tho :S i would much prefer to be able to walk around the house rather than lock myself in my room....oh a lie... i would just prefer a lock that WORKS on my bedroom door :S
bahhaa...i must have that too ;D hahaha
yeah i know he does, but he's such a dickhead about it...honestly i really just need to be left alone right now...but no...he comes in lectures me for half an hour....leaves...comes back and lectures me for another 2 hours and he wonders why i never get...
wrecked what ??
LOL.....righty ? :S *lost and confused * also about to cry myself to slee because my dad is an asshole bastard who thinks he's perfect and wont admit that hes an evil dickhead :S *sigh*
night :S
well i cant just fall for someone...i believe in friends i dont really want a relationship at the moment....cos i have shit to do studywise and i need to focus...
dont get me wrong you seem like a nice guy and all...i just...cant :S