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  1. forbidden01

    alright if you wanna get technical *i know self defense ....AND ATTACK ! BAHA....i have...

    alright if you wanna get technical *i know self defense ....AND ATTACK ! BAHA....i have tactics :) one of which is letting you THINK your winning xD wouldnt hurt me ;) and LOL at the last wish ;)
  2. forbidden01

    i know both defend and i have the strength to pull it off.... so yeahh i bet i can :)

    i know both defend and i have the strength to pull it off.... so yeahh i bet i can :)
  3. forbidden01

    hahaha...*shakes head* your a persistant bastard i'll give you that :p but i know self...

    hahaha...*shakes head* your a persistant bastard i'll give you that :p but i know self kinda have to around my area...i bet i could kick your arse :)
  4. forbidden01

    bahahhahaa....yeahh cos of course your reflexes are lightning fast

    bahahhahaa....yeahh cos of course your reflexes are lightning fast
  5. forbidden01

    BAHAHA! ... snaps for creativity :) but i dont think you'd be able to catch me bahaha....

    BAHAHA! ... snaps for creativity :) but i dont think you'd be able to catch me bahaha....
  6. forbidden01

    BAHA....might have to test that theory....what if i kick instead ;)

    BAHA....might have to test that theory....what if i kick instead ;)
  7. forbidden01

    >:( meanie...nahh i'm only pissed off at dad....everyone else i'm fine with :D ...although if...

    >:( meanie...nahh i'm only pissed off at dad....everyone else i'm fine with :D ...although if you keep saying that shit you might just get a punch in the face if i ever meet you :)
  8. forbidden01

    :O go...just go ... jks... i love macs...but i'm not that much of a mac snob :P :O no it is...

    :O go...just go ... jks... i love macs...but i'm not that much of a mac snob :P :O no it is NOT! i dont get that bad pms even if it wouldnt be able to tell...LOL...
  9. forbidden01

    yeahh its a mac tho :) hahha :D he wouldnt like that one bit...but right now...i dont give a...

    yeahh its a mac tho :) hahha :D he wouldnt like that one bit...but right now...i dont give a shit what he likes :S
  10. forbidden01

    hahaha we do and yeahh i am ... still sucks that i have to tho :S i would much prefer to be...

    hahaha we do and yeahh i am ... still sucks that i have to tho :S i would much prefer to be able to walk around the house rather than lock myself in my room....oh a lie... i would just prefer a lock that WORKS on my bedroom door :S
  11. forbidden01

    bahhaa...i must have that too ;D hahaha yeah i know he does, but he's such a dickhead about...

    bahhaa...i must have that too ;D hahaha yeah i know he does, but he's such a dickhead about it...honestly i really just need to be left alone right now...but no...he comes in lectures me for half an hour....leaves...comes back and lectures me for another 2 hours and he wonders why i never get...
  12. forbidden01

    wrecked what ?? LOL.....righty ? :S *lost and confused * also about to cry myself to slee...

    wrecked what ?? LOL.....righty ? :S *lost and confused * also about to cry myself to slee because my dad is an asshole bastard who thinks he's perfect and wont admit that hes an evil dickhead :S *sigh* night :S
  13. forbidden01

    anyways i'm off for the night :) ttyl :) tc

    anyways i'm off for the night :) ttyl :) tc
  14. forbidden01

    well i cant just fall for someone...i believe in friends i dont really want a...

    well i cant just fall for someone...i believe in friends i dont really want a relationship at the moment....cos i have shit to do studywise and i need to focus... dont get me wrong you seem like a nice guy and all...i just...cant :S
  15. forbidden01

    oh all of that msg was relating to the second part of know what you're thinking...

    oh all of that msg was relating to the second part of know what you're thinking ;) hahaha uumm...yeahh its still not that simple...
  16. forbidden01

    hahaha i wish it were that simple :| honestly i dont have boxes to tick...i just....idk....go...

    hahaha i wish it were that simple :| honestly i dont have boxes to tick...i just....idk....go with it or whatever...
  17. forbidden01

    hahhahaha...thinkin like what ey ? also...its not just that lol....there are other.....factors haha

    hahhahaha...thinkin like what ey ? also...its not just that lol....there are other.....factors haha
  18. forbidden01

    BAHAHAH! .... yeahh i doubt that's EVER going to happen...

    BAHAHAH! .... yeahh i doubt that's EVER going to happen...
  19. forbidden01 parents dont get to see that side of me :S if they did i'd prob get shot or... parents dont get to see that side of me :S if they did i'd prob get shot or something :S
  20. forbidden01

    bahahhaa...welll when you put it that way ;D :p what sense ? behaviour ? no...

    bahahhaa...welll when you put it that way ;D :p what sense ? behaviour ? no...