when huh ? you just get up and leave :O jks jks...go its k...i'm being an idiot :p
this is what i do when i get bored :p...and of course you're not here to keep me entertained...so i'm just gonna have to do it myself ! ;) bahhaha
hmm...i wish the major were that easy cos that means i can get full marks and a band 6 xD trust me i can talk very dirty...just not when i dont want to ;)
oh fine then...leave...yeahh you know....just go :(
i should say something TO make you think of me....but nahh i wont...cos your slack and...
nah i'm really not...i've never had a bf before...still cbf...so your gonna have to try much harder than that...
BAHA! .... that's actually kinda sweet :) bahah ... if you think about it in a not dirty way