you know, looking back now I realise that I probably should have picked a subject that I didn't want to do for the beginning of Yr11
That way, I could have dropped it ASAP, while having the benefit of being able to lowkey manipulate what teachers I had.
Can we remove rep limiters for people with gold bars?
Like, there are multiple instances per day that I want to rep InteGrand but "You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to InteGrand again."
I understand it's in place to prevent abuse, but people who have gold have already...
tbh, I have to agree. although they have been getting a bit more reasonably difficult recently!
that said lol did another past paper for internal task, back to regular (joke level)
I used to have pree big issues with time lel (most of it was just not practicing enough though lel)
Try doing exams in like half the time lele, my speed went up heaps lol
nah I agree 100% lol, that was what was so suprising lel
usually I'm barely focused when I do them, and I spend way more time doing papers from other schools
this particular paper was actually worth doing lele
(just realised the wording of my post made it seem like I was talking about a...
Well, you do have 12 Units, and the potential for picking up 3 extensions (HistExt, 4UMath, 4UEng)
So like, if you decide you hate physics, you can drop it, and still pick up extra units if you want
I say take physics, plus imo you have a nice balance of subjects. From your subjects it seems...
You seem more interested in history itself than HSC Modern History
Rather than reading textbooks (which are mostly dull btw, especially Excel), you'll find it tremendously more enjoyable to read actual historical works
Most popular works of history are actually pretty easy to read and digest...
lots of new concepts lel
but there are alot of old concepts which are expanded upon as well
I didn't really try in yr10 either, and had a huge improvment going into yr11
anyways, 2U isn't hard. just put in time and effort and ezpz
This is correct
delta is only imaginary when it is less than 0
this is because in quad formula delta is square rooted
can't square root a negative number and get real answers
however you can square root 0 and postiives
Re: HSC 2016 2U Marathon
$\noindent For the sum of an arbitrary list of $n$ numbers in a finite arithmetic sequence we may use the expression ${ S }_{ n }=\frac { n }{ 2 } (a+l)$, where the smallest number is $a$ and the largest is $l$.
$\noindent The average of the smallest and...