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  1. Nailgun

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread this may assist yoyo it inspired an hour of youtube video watching lol also i love this the short guy is 6'9 (2.06m) :haha:
  2. Nailgun

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    holy crap fourier transformation is amazing
  3. Nailgun

    The 4 month road to success

    learn how to do things first obviously, but I wouldn't invest too much time in mindless repetition of textbook q if you are going to do mindless repetition do it with past papers
  4. Nailgun

    The 4 month road to success

    do past papers taste past papers eat past papers breathe past papers smoke past papers get high on past papers make love to past papers live past papers
  5. Nailgun

    Prelim 2016 Maths Help Thread

  6. Nailgun

    Prelim 2016 Maths Help Thread

    omg im crying nothing has made me laugh more in this thread than this post integrand savage
  7. Nailgun

    Prelim 2016 Maths Help Thread

  8. Nailgun

    Year 11 Selective Applications, Have I Messed Up?

    You'd be surprised how many schools have an underground (less underground in someplaces though) drug trade lel
  9. Nailgun

    Prelim 2016 Maths Help Thread

    would shout him food and entry
  10. Nailgun

    Prelim 2016 Maths Help Thread

    bby dnt be mad </3
  11. Nailgun

    Prelim 2016 Maths Help Thread

    you said InteGrand has no pure understanding of science, and you definitely do not have a pure understanding of science lol
  12. Nailgun

    Prelim 2016 Maths Help Thread

    ohhhh lol the way I read it in my head made it sound like you are as inexpressible, as the ratio of two integers like he was hard to express, similar to the ratio of two integers lele
  13. Nailgun

    Prelim 2016 Maths Help Thread

    1:2? a:b? whot pls explain, im curious and mathematically incompetent
  14. Nailgun

    domain and range

    you tell em
  15. Nailgun

    HSC 2016 Vietnamese Marathon

    Re: HSC Vietnamese Marathon 2016 BOS might not be the best forum if you actually want this to work lol At absolute best you might find 1 person doing hsc viet Probably look into joining other forums?
  16. Nailgun

    Prelim 2016 Maths Help Thread

    omg i love this thread I can't wait until eyeseeyou starts doing 4U
  17. Nailgun

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    20-something iirc
  18. Nailgun

    Why must English count towards your ATAR?

    you probably have, just informally and in your head once you get past the 'sophisticated' language, and semi-restrictive conventions on essay writing, english is actually a pretty intuitive subject it's basically what you think about this, in relation to this
  19. Nailgun

    Why must English count towards your ATAR?

    HSC: 2018 ur like twelve you haven't experienced enough english to hate it properly lel