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  1. Nailgun


    That seems so random to me lol - do you really want to go to uni and spend that much money to get a language degree? Like it seems a bit of a waste. What do you see yourself doing in terms of like job/work/career? each his own. An arts degree majoring in Chinese studies seems...
  2. Nailgun

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    I do like this Neymar Jr fellow
  3. Nailgun

    Language Read this It's for monash but basically applies to every uni
  4. Nailgun


    Also I agree with this. Do you want to study a language as the main focus of your degree, or something else whilst learning the language on the side?
  5. Nailgun

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Actually tbh, I'm legitimately getting into football Still trying to get a feel for the whole thing both as a sport and with all the leagues. Playing FIFA helps ahahah Everything is so incredibly different to the NBA though (which is my major major follow)
  6. Nailgun


    ahahaha nah international studies is a course, not actually studying internationally (although I think you can as part of the degree in like an exchange type thing) eg
  7. Nailgun

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    i love soccer
  8. Nailgun

    What would happen if hsc said write "TWO examples" but you write 3?

    Depends on what subject In a science, they will generally encourage you to write more reasons that given and will only take marks off if you write something incorrect. If you are unsure about the third reason leave it out. If you are certain about all three, then it's not a bad idea to put it...
  9. Nailgun

    How to prepare/organise myself for the yearly's?

    Well, if you are going to drop legal for 4U, don't bother studying for it lol
  10. Nailgun

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    hehe oral exam
  11. Nailgun

    question about derivatives

    A BoS classic "You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to InteGrand again." Thank you btw :)
  12. Nailgun

    question about derivatives

    So if the function is always positive, all values that maximise f(t) will also maximise [f(t)]^2?
  13. Nailgun

    question about derivatives

    I was just doing a past paper, and I noticed that in the solutions they found the max-min of a function by using the square of the function? Like, you needed to find the value of t which maximises f(t) but then instead of finding df(t)/dt, they used d(f(t))^2/dt can someone explain the...
  14. Nailgun

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    noas in bored of the counting to 1000000
  15. Nailgun

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    I think I just got bored of it lol
  16. Nailgun

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    iirc I didn't sleep that night until a few hour later lol
  17. Nailgun

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Shout out to my homeboy, KoA, head of the (not quite) 4am society I did 5 maths trials today....yeah, I think I need to start focusing on my other subjects lol 97% avg doe #notreallyhumblebrag also im sleepy so good night
  18. Nailgun

    Pokemon GO thread

    This game seems so intriguing Yet, I feel like installing it before trials would be a bad idea
  19. Nailgun

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    lele 2U + I spend quite a bit of time checking