if you want a good site to learn from i used:
It's not the solution to finish in 18secs but it gets you done and the intructions are easy to understand. i can finish my cube but in a slow ass 2mins =/ my fingers just lagg..
hope it helps =D
Age 12-17
Sex: Male
Occupation: Secondary Student
How far do you travel to work/school each day and how do you travel 1min by bike, 7mins by walking.
Do you believe climate change is happening? Yes
5 years ago, did you believe climate change was happening? Yes
Do you own or...
Well with ADSL2 and fast internet connections getting cheaper and faster how con you not pirate. Downloading a good quality movie can just take a few minutes nowadays. And i think the world is lightening up on pirated movies i meant the underworld, its more in the open and alot easier to find...
Is the pokemon theme song a journey?
If so is it a bad text to use for physical journeys?
here are the lyrics:
I wanna be the very best
like no one ever was
To catch them is my real test
To train them is my cause
I will travel across the land
searching far and wide
Each pokemon to understand...
Basically this question is asking how australia formed amd yes it is a long process the main points you just have to remember are:
- Australia formed West-East
- First to form were 2 cratons the Yilgarn and the Pilbara in Western Australia
- Next were two more cratons one in the northern...