Climate Change Survey (1 Viewer)

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Ára bátur
Nov 5, 2004
I am a student from Year 12 at Merewether High School.
As part of our Society & Culture HSC course, students are required to complete research methodologies for a “Personal Interest” Project.

I have chosen to explore the attitudes toward climate change in New South Wales, and was wondering if you would be willing to take a few minutes of your time to complete this short questionnaire.

Your personal information and viewpoints will remain completely anonymousand will not be used for any research outside the Personal Interest Project.

  • Age (circle one): 12-17 / 18-24 / 25-35 / 35-45 / 45-60 / 60+ / prefer not to disclose
  • Sex: Male / Female / prefer not to disclose
  • Occupation: Secondary Student / Tertiary Student / other:__________(optional)
  • How far do you travel to work/school each day and how do you travel (e.g. 10 minutes by bus, 30 minutes walking, etc)? (optional)
  • Do you believe climate change is happening? Yes / No
  • 5 years ago, did you believe climate change was happening? Yes / No
  • Do you own or regularly use any of the following:
    - car or motor vehicle
    - air conditioner
    - soil fertiliser
    - gas heater
    - water tank
    - compost bin
    - brand-name clothing
    - more than one refrigerator
    - clothes driers
  • On average, per week, you catch public transport (e.g. buses, trains, trams, ferries): never / 1 or 2 days / 3 or 4 days / every day / on special occasions / prefer not to disclose
  • Do you believe your local public transport system is efficient?
    Yes / No
    Why / Why not?
  • On average, you take (return) trips on aeroplanes: never / hardly / once a year / 2-3 times a year / 4+ times a year
  • These trips are usually: N/A / overseas / interstate / intercity
  • What is your favourite/most preferred mode of transport and why? _car for convenience, train for safety, air for overseas.
  • Do you often substitute your normal mode of transport for a walk from A to B?
    Yes / No / prefer not to disclose?
    If so, how far (kilometres or minutes)?
  • Are you a member of any environmental activist or awareness groups or have you been in the past (e.g. Greenpeace, Rising Tide)?
    Yes / No / prefer not to disclose
    Please specify which group(s):
  • a) Have you personally taken any precautionary measures, recently or in the past, to reduce your carbon emissions (e.g. installation of green electricity, solar panels, water tank, less car use, etc)?
    Yes / No / prefer not to disclose
    If so, please specify:

    b) Why have you chosen or not chosen to take these measures?
Yes / No / prefer not to disclose
If so, please specify:

  • Do you believe the Government is taking effective action against climate change? Yes / No / prefer not to disclose Why / Why not?
  • In terms of the future, what energy source would you like to see more researched and used? Nuclear power / Wind power / Solar power / other: _____________________ / prefer not to disclose
    Please outline your reasons for your choice:

  • Do you intend of changing your lifestyle in the near future to better prepare for climate change? Yes / No / prefer not to disclose Please identify your reasons why or why not:

  • Has your place of work or school enforced any new policies or activities to ensure the effective management of climate change (e.g. less air conditioning, car-pooling systems, green electricity)? Yes / No / prefer not to disclose
    If so, please specify the changes:
  • Any other comments you may have regarding climate change?
  • Thankyou for completing this questionnaire. Your time has been appreciated.


Oct 15, 2006
Age: 12-17


Secondary Student

How far do you travel to work/school each day and how do you travel:
15 mins by car

Do you believe climate change is happening?
5 years ago, did you believe climate change was happening?
Do you own or regularly use any of the following
- car or motor vehicle Yes
- air conditioner Yes
- soil fertiliser No
- gas heater No
- water tank No
- compost bin Yes
- brand-name clothing Yes
- more than one refrigerator No
- clothes driers No

On average, per week, you catch public transport: 1 or 2 days
Do you believe your local public transport system is efficient?
Yes, mainly as it is nearly always on time.
On average, you take (return) trips on aeroplanes:
These trips are usually:
What is your favourite/most preferred mode of transport and why?
car for convenience

Do you often substitute your normal mode of transport for a walk from A to B?
Are you a member of any environmental activist or awareness groups or have you been in the past (e.g. Greenpeace, Rising Tide)?

Have you personally taken any precautionary measures, recently or in the past, to reduce your carbon emissions (e.g. installation of green electricity, solar panels, water tank, less car use, etc)?
Yes, using solar panels, reducing the use of electricity and increasing the use of public transport which use clean energy.
Why have you chosen or not chosen to take these measures?
Because i believe that we are doing things that are now unsustainable for future generations :p
Do you believe the Government is taking effective action against climate change?
No, as they have barely implemented any renewable energy sources, and have not decreased the use of fossil fuels in our country.

In terms of the future, what energy source would you like to see more researched and used?
Solar, as it is too expensive at the moment, and Australia receives alot of sunlight in comparison to other countries.
Do you intend of changing your lifestyle in the near future to better prepare for climate change?
Yes, as climate change can greatly affect my life in the future.
Has your place of work or school enforced any new policies or activities to ensure the effective management of climate change ?
yes, plant more trees :), recycling materials, and using more efficient appliances in the classroom
Any other comments you may have regarding climate change? It's gonna impact on our generation and the next generation, so we gotta do something :)


Aug 1, 2006
  • Age 12-17
  • Sex: Male
  • Occupation: Secondary Student
  • How far do you travel to work/school each day and how do you travel 1min by bike, 7mins by walking.
  • Do you believe climate change is happening? Yes
  • 5 years ago, did you believe climate change was happening? Yes
  • Do you own or regularly use any of the following:
    - car or motor vehicle NO
    - air conditioner NO
    - soil fertiliser NO
    - gas heater NO
    - water tank NO
    - compost bin NO
    - brand-name clothing NO
    - more than one refrigerator NO
    - clothes driers NO
  • On average, per week, you catch public transport on special occasions
  • Do you believe your local public transport system is efficient?
    Why? i thinks its efficient, comes on time, i can rely on it to get home if i get stuk.
  • On average, you take (return) trips on aeroplanes: Hardly
  • These trips are usually: interstate / overseas
  • What is your favourite/most preferred mode of transport and why? Bike - short trips (saves money =D), car - if i can get my hands on one, bus - if theres no car (usually to get to the station, smaller trips = bike), train - to get to suburbs further away, plane - if its really far ie. interstate / overseas
  • Do you often substitute your normal mode of transport for a walk from A to B? NO i prefer my bike If so, how far (kilometres or minutes)?
  • Are you a member of any environmental activist or awareness groups or have you been in the past (e.g. Greenpeace, Rising Tide)?
    NO - unless scouts?
    Please specify which group(s):
  • a) Have you personally taken any precautionary measures, recently or in the past, to reduce your carbon emissions (e.g. installation of green electricity, solar panels, water tank, less car use, etc)?
    If so, please specify:

    b) Why have you chosen or not chosen to take these measures?
i have chosen not to because i don't like change, climate change is going to happen anyway, we just make it happen faster.

If so, please specify:

  • Do you believe the Government is taking effective action against climate change? Yes Why / Why not? I notice their campaigns and adds on TV not sure if its the governement but someone is trying to do something for the future or jsut make money out of renewable sources?
  • In terms of the future, what energy source would you like to see more researched and used? Nuclear power
    Please outline your reasons for your choice: Its the safest! nuclear fusion! the way of the future.

  • Do you intend of changing your lifestyle in the near future to better prepare for climate change? Yes
  • Please identify your reasons why or why not: makes me feel better somewhat, would only do so if it was cheaper than what i can already get.

  • Has your place of work or school enforced any new policies or activities to ensure the effective management of climate change
    If so, please specify the changes: Education, not so much actual things... but.. they did say something about installing water tanks in future?
  • Any other comments you may have regarding climate change? NOPE! fatastic survey though =]


Age 12-17
Full time son
How far do you travel to work/school each day and how do you travel
If bus or car about 10min, walking about 35min.Do you believe climate change is happening?
There is still debate over whether the change is natural or man made. Despite this i do acknowledge that the temperate is rising.5 years ago, did you believe climate change was happening?
At 12 you tend to believe anything you are told by adults. I don't have any memory of knowing about climate change at that age.
Do you own or regularly use any of the following
- car or motor vehicle
- air conditioner (only on really hot/cold days)
-gas heaterwater tank
-brand-name clothing (stupid question-even 'home brand' is branded clothing. The only way for it not to be branded is for it to be home made.)
-more than one refrigerator (2)
-clothes driers (only when raining, but usually use a clothes horse inside)On average, per week, you catch public transport
Used to catch bus to school every day. Now I usually drive.
Do you believe your local public transport system is efficient?

No, never full, never on time, 1 bus per hour is really to infrequent for many users.
On average, you take (return) trips on aeroplanes:
What is your favourite/most preferred mode of transport and why?
car for convenience, train for safety, air for overseas. All of your examples.
Do you often substitute your normal mode of transport for a walk from A to B?

Yes, before I got my Ps, I either walked or bus/trained it.
If so, how far (kilometres or minutes)?

I don't know...
Are you a member of any environmental activist or awareness groups or have you been in the past (e.g. Greenpeace, Rising Tide)?

a) Have you personally taken any precautionary measures, recently or in the past, to reduce your carbon emissions (e.g. installation of green electricity, solar panels, water tank, less car use, etc)?

We have a water tank...

b) Why have you chosen or not chosen to take these measures?
I haven't made that choice-parents did.
Do you believe the Government is taking effective action against climate change?
Why not?
Should be compulsory for all new houses to have water tank (already in place), solar heating, solar power.
In terms of the future, what energy source would you like to see more researched and used?
Nuclear power/Solar power, all 3. Though all three have environemtal impacts.
Please outline your reasons for your choice:

Solar power is easy-stick one on every roof. However uses lots of silicon.

Nuclear power is safe if operated correctly, and a good energy source.

Do you intend of changing your lifestyle in the near future to better prepare for climate change?

Has your place of work or school enforced any new policies or activities to ensure the effective management of climate change
No, but we never had air conditioning etc in the first place.



Age (circle one): 12-17 / 18-24 / 25-35 / 35-45 / 45-60 / 60+ / prefer not to disclose
Sex: Male / Female / prefer not to disclose
Occupation: Secondary Student / Tertiary Student / other:__________(optional)
How far do you travel to work/school each day and how do you travel (e.g. 10 minutes by bus, 30 minutes walking, etc)? 10 minutes walk, 10 minutes by train, 5 minutes by bus.
Do you believe climate change is happening? Yes / No
5 years ago, did you believe climate change was happening? Yes / No
Do you own or regularly use any of the following:
- car or motor vehicle
- air conditioner
- soil fertiliser
- gas heater
- water tank
- compost bin
- brand-name clothing
- more than one refrigerator
- clothes driers
On average, per week, you catch public transport (e.g. buses, trains, trams, ferries): never / 1 or 2 days / 3 or 4 days / every day [school day] / on special occasions / prefer not to disclose
Do you believe your local public transport system is efficient?
Yes / No
Why / Why not? You have a variety of options on how you want to travel and can get to your destination quicker.
On average, you take (return) trips on aeroplanes: never / hardly / once a year / 2-3 times a year / 4+ times a year
These trips are usually: N/A / overseas / interstate / intercity
What is your favourite/most preferred mode of transport and why? _car for convenience, train for safety, air for overseas.
Do you often substitute your normal mode of transport for a walk from A to B?
Yes / No / prefer not to disclose?
If so, how far (kilometres or minutes)? 10-15 minutes walk
Are you a member of any environmental activist or awareness groups or have you been in the past (e.g. Greenpeace, Rising Tide)?
Yes / No / prefer not to disclose
Please specify which group(s):
a) Have you personally taken any precautionary measures, recently or in the past, to reduce your carbon emissions (e.g. installation of green electricity, solar panels, water tank, less car use, etc)?
Yes / No / prefer not to disclose
If so, please specify: solar panels

b) Why have you chosen or not chosen to take these measures?
Yes / No / prefer not to disclose
If so, please specify: Its a contribution to looking after the environment. One persons actions can make a whole difference to the end result.

Do you believe the Government is taking effective action against climate change? Yes / No / prefer not to disclose Why / Why not? I don't see anything being done thats effective.
In terms of the future, what energy source would you like to see more researched and used? Nuclear power / Wind power / Solar power / other: _____________________ / prefer not to disclose
Please outline your reasons for your choice:
Solar power is practically harmless to the environment and nucleur power would be efficient.

Do you intend of changing your lifestyle in the near future to better prepare for climate change? Yes / No / prefer not to disclose Please identify your reasons why or why not: Do we really want out earth to have dreadful weather? No.

Has your place of work or school enforced any new policies or activities to ensure the effective management of climate change (e.g. less air conditioning, car-pooling systems, green electricity)? Yes / No / prefer not to disclose
If so, please specify the changes:
Any other comments you may have regarding climate change?
Thankyou for completing this questionnaire. Your time has been appreciated.


1337 }{4><
May 1, 2005
Age: 12-17
Sex: Male
Occupation: Tertiary Student
How far do you travel to work/school each day and how do you travel: One suburb to work by train and walk, 2 hours by train and bus to uni
Do you believe climate change is happening? Yes
5 years ago, did you believe climate change was happening? Yes
Do you own or regularly use any of the following:
- water tank
- compost bin
On average, per week, you catch public transport (e.g. buses, trains, trams, ferries): 3 or 4 days
Do you believe your local public transport system is efficient?
No, trains come, on average, half-hourly and is overpriced
On average, you take (return) trips on aeroplanes: once a year
These trips are usually: interstate
What is your favourite/most preferred mode of transport and why? Car as convenient
Do you often substitute your normal mode of transport for a walk from A to B?
Yes, will walk up to 2 km if I have the time
Are you a member of any environmental activist or awareness groups or have you been in the past (e.g. Greenpeace, Rising Tide)?
a) Have you personally taken any precautionary measures, recently or in the past, to reduce your carbon emissions (e.g. installation of green electricity, solar panels, water tank, less car use, etc)?
Yes; green electricity, water tank, sold care we seldom used

b) Why have you chosen or not chosen to take these measures?
Hardly take much effort but personal satisfaction

Do you believe the Government is taking effective action against climate change? No, they act as if it's a new thing and while it's only been an issue lately, it's been happening for 200 years and needs to be addressed promptly.
In terms of the future, what energy source would you like to see more researched and used? Near future: Solar - there's a lot of sun to go around and is renewable
Not too distant future - nuclear fission, geothermal, high altitude wind power; possible sources of tremendous amounts of energy, cleanly.

Do you intend of changing your lifestyle in the near future to better prepare for climate change? I'm going for a 'will always be needed' career.

Has your place of work or school enforced any new policies or activities to ensure the effective management of climate change (e.g. less air conditioning, car-pooling systems, green electricity)? No
Any other comments you may have regarding climate change?
I can't stand people who say concern about it is 'unheeded' or 'fear mongering' as rapid global warming occured during several massive extinctions in earth's history and greater CO2 levels do a lot more than just warm the earth, but acidify they oceans and increase axomic sulfurous bacterial blooms in the sea.


Active Member
Oct 30, 2005
Under The Tree
* Age (circle one): 12-17 / 18-24 / 25-35 / 35-45 / 45-60 / 60+ / prefer not to disclose
* Sex: Male / Female / prefer not to disclose
* Occupation: Secondary Student / Tertiary Student / other:__________(optional)
* How far do you travel to work/school each day and how do you travel (e.g. 10 minutes by bus, 30 minutes walking, etc)?
3 minutes in the car. 5 Minutes on the Bike. 20 minutes walking.
* Do you believe climate change is happening? Not entirely.
* 5 years ago, did you believe climate change was happening? I was far less aware of the issue.
* Do you own or regularly use any of the following:
* On average, per week, you catch public transport (e.g. buses, trains, trams, ferries): never (I don't need to) / 1 or 2 days / 3 or 4 days / every day / on special occasions / prefer not to disclose

* Do you believe your local public transport system is efficient?
Yes / No
Why / Why not?
Because i live in a country city and car or bike is far quicker.
* On average, you take (return) trips on aeroplanes: never / hardly / once a year / 2-3 times a year / 4+ times a year
* These trips are usually: N/A / overseas / interstate / intercity
* What is your favourite/most preferred mode of transport and why? mountain bike - quick, healthly, fun.

* Do you often substitute your normal mode of transport for a walk from A to B?
Yes / No / prefer not to disclose?
If so, how far (kilometres or minutes)?
5 kms average.
* Are you a member of any environmental activist or awareness groups or have you been in the past (e.g. Greenpeace, Rising Tide)?
Yes / No / prefer not to disclose
Please specify which group(s):

* a) Have you personally taken any precautionary measures, recently or in the past, to reduce your carbon emissions (e.g. installation of green electricity, solar panels, water tank, less car use, etc)?
Yes / No / prefer not to disclose
If so, please specify:
More aware of usage levels in terms of electricity and water.
b) Why have you chosen or not chosen to take these measures?
Because, regardless of global warming, it is better for the environment to use less resources day to day and to not waste.

* Do you believe the Government is taking effective action against climate change? In some ways.

Why / Why not?
We must balance the economic well being of this country and the people of this country with taking measures to become cleaner.

* In terms of the future, what energy source would you like to see more researched and used? Nuclear power / Wind power / Solar power / other: _____________________ / prefer not to disclose
Please outline your reasons for your choice:
Coal pollutes quite heavily and as a society we need to make a concious effort to reduce emissions and promote the health of the world around us.

* Do you intend of changing your lifestyle in the near future to better prepare for climate change? Somewhat.

* Has your place of work or school enforced any new policies or activities to ensure the effective management of climate change (e.g. less air conditioning, car-pooling systems, green electricity)? Yes / No / prefer not to disclose
If so, please specify the changes:

* Any other comments you may have regarding climate change?
The media are just scare the public into believing a wide range of hysterical nonsense. There are plenty of reports in the world that do not support the global warming theory and yet they do not get shown to the world by the media because it is not sensational enough.

Can i just say that that was an awful survey. On a complex topic like this you need a content, issue and opinion based assignment not an a silly thing full of useless statistics. Most of the questions you asked cannot be answered with a simple yes or no, or any other word. Instead you should investigate more thoroughly the opinions and issues that are important to the normal joe smiths of society, and depict this through your assignment whilst relating it to the actual issue and facts. Hence the can show the way people are misinformed or conversely knowledgable in terms of the potential risks of global warming, points for and against and a sensible response. Yes or no polls are way too 2 dimensional and do not get you anywhere if you want something insightful.
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New Member
Nov 22, 2006
  • Age (circle one): 12-17
  • Sex: Female
  • Occupation: Secondary Student
  • How far do you travel to work/school each day and how do you travel 15 /20mins by car or 25 30 by bus
  • Do you believe climate change is happening? Yes
  • 5 years ago, did you believe climate change was happening? didnt know about it
  • Do you own or regularly use any of the following:
    - car or motor vehicle YES
    - air conditioner YES
    - soil fertiliser NO
    - gas heater NO
    - water tank YES
    - compost bin NO
    - brand-name clothing NO
    - more than one refrigerator NO (but we have a 2nd full freezer)
    - clothes driers NO
  • On average, per week, you catch public transport buses; 1 or 2 days
  • Do you believe your local public transport system is efficient?
    Why / Why not? Dont use it therefore cant comment
  • On average, you take (return) trips on aeroplanes: never
  • These trips are usually: N/A
  • What is your favourite/most preferred mode of transport and why? car, easier for me and more comfortable. i sometimes car pool (take other to school with me)
  • Do you often substitute your normal mode of transport for a walk from A to B?
    No If so, how far (kilometres or minutes)?
  • Are you a member of any environmental activist or awareness groups or have you been in the past (e.g. Greenpeace, Rising Tide)?
  • Please specify which group(s):
  • a) Have you personally taken any precautionary measures, recently or in the past, to reduce your carbon emissions (e.g. installation of green electricity, solar panels, water tank, less car use, etc)?
  • If so, please specify: less car use

    b) Why have you chosen or not chosen to take these measures? car was being repaired and no urgency to get home and to school (I drive my car because i need it to get to work straight after school)
  • Do you believe the Government is taking effective action against climate change? Yes / No
  • Why / Why not? are slowly starting to take action but its not enough
  • In terms of the future, what energy source would you like to see more researched and used? Wind power / Solar power / other: hydro power
  • Please outline your reasons for your choice: they are renewable sources that wont impact on the environment as much.

  • Do you intend of changing your lifestyle in the near future to better prepare for climate change? Yes
  • Please identify your reasons why or why not: I want a better future for my children and future generations

  • Has your place of work or school enforced any new policies or activities to ensure the effective management of climate change No If so, please specify the changes: although the teachers do car pool... and we have been told we are going to get more airconditioners
  • Any other comments you may have regarding climate change?
  • Thankyou for completing this questionnaire. Your time has been appreciated.


Just ask for help
Jun 26, 2006
  • Age: 35-45
  • Sex: Female
  • Occupation: Tutor/Graduate/Mother
  • How far do you travel to work/school each day and how do you travel Work at home
  • Do you believe climate change is happening? Yes
  • 5 years ago, did you believe climate change was happening? Yes
  • Do you own or regularly use any of the following:
    - car or motor vehicle
    - water tank
    - compost bin
    - clothes driers
  • On average, per week, you catch public transport (e.g. buses, trains, trams, ferries): on special occasions
  • Do you believe your local public transport system is efficient?
    Why / Why not? Infrequent service. Too costly. Does not go where I want to go. Too slow.
  • On average, you take (return) trips on aeroplanes: hardly
  • These trips are usually: overseas
  • What is your favourite/most preferred mode of transport and why? car for convenience
  • Do you often substitute your normal mode of transport for a walk from A to B?
    Yes - if close enough If so, how far (kilometres or minutes)? 10 minutes max
  • Are you a member of any environmental activist or awareness groups or have you been in the past (e.g. Greenpeace, Rising Tide)?
    Please specify which group(s):
  • a) Have you personally taken any precautionary measures, recently or in the past, to reduce your carbon emissions (e.g. installation of green electricity, solar panels, water tank, less car use, etc)?
    If so, please specify: Water tank. Bought bicycle so use car less.
    b) Why have you chosen or not chosen to take these measures? Solar Panels too expensive and cheaper to pay for alternative electricty supply from providers, Water tank - so can use water for watering garden and washing car, Bicycle - mainly for convenience and to get fit.
  • Do you believe the Government is taking effective action against climate change? No Why / Why not? Not doing enough to ensure a future water supply to Sydney and New South Wales. Not taking infrastructure measures to cope with drought. Not investing enough in alternative power generation methods. Not providing good enough public transport at a reasonable price to encourage use.
  • In terms of the future, what energy source would you like to see more researched and used? Wind power, Solar power, Wave Power, Tidal Power
    Please outline your reasons for your choice: These are renewable resources and do not rely on ripping resources from the ground. They are clean.
  • Do you intend of changing your lifestyle in the near future to better prepare for climate change? Yes Please identify your reasons why or why not: The government is not doing enough, we may need to be self-sufficient with power and water and food soon enough.
  • Has your place of work or school enforced any new policies or activities to ensure the effective management of climate change (e.g. less air conditioning, car-pooling systems, green electricity)? No
    If so, please specify the changes: Work at home for self, no changes here.
  • Any other comments you may have regarding climate change? I believe the Greenhouse Effect is a fallacy and the changes we are seeing are part of a much larger cycle that could be either a general warming of the planetg naturally, solar related or something else, but not greenhouse. Scientists really don't know enough, yet, or they interpret the data to support their beliefs.
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New Member
Oct 27, 2006
  • Age 17
  • Sex: female
  • Occupation: high school student
  • How far do you travel to work/school each day and how do you travel 20 mins by bus, or to get to school from my station is 2hrs
  • Do you believe climate change is happening? Yes
  • 5 years ago, did you believe climate change was happening? No
  • Do you own or regularly use any of the following:
    - car or motor vehicle
    - air conditioner
    - gas heater
    - water tank
    - clothes driers
    - only sometimes
  • On average, per week, you catch public transport 5 days.. school
  • Do you believe your local public transport system is efficient?
    Why / Why not? bus's dont run all hours, only 3 times a day really
  • On average, you take (return) trips on aeroplanes: never
  • These trips are usually: N/A
  • What is your favourite/most preferred mode of transport and why? _car for convenience, in the safety of my own vehicle and theres aircon n stuff....
  • Do you often substitute your normal mode of transport for a walk from A to B?
    Yes / No / prefer not to disclose?
    If so, how far (kilometres or minutes)?
  • Are you a member of any environmental activist or awareness groups or have you been in the past (e.g. Greenpeace, Rising Tide)?
    Yes / No / prefer not to disclose
    Please specify which group(s):
  • a) Have you personally taken any precautionary measures, recently or in the past, to reduce your carbon emissions (e.g. installation of green electricity, solar panels, water tank, less car use, etc)?
    Yes / No / prefer not to disclose
    If so, please specify:

    b) Why have you chosen or not chosen to take these measures?
dont know
If so, please specify:

  • Do you believe the Government is taking effective action against climate change? Yes / No / prefer not to disclose Why / Why not? well nothings being done.. they're too busy with other things.. john howard was supposed 2 do something about the GREENhouse not the GLASS house... argh
  • In terms of the future, what energy source would you like to see more researched and used? not really sure
  • Please outline your reasons for your choice: i dotn know anything about them really

  • Do you intend of changing your lifestyle in the near future to better prepare for climate change? Yes / No / prefer not to disclose Please identify your reasons why or why not:

  • Has your place of work or school enforced any new policies or activities to ensure the effective management of climate change (e.g. less air conditioning, car-pooling systems, green electricity)? Yes / No / prefer not to disclose
    If so, please specify the changes:
  • Any other comments you may have regarding climate change?


Age (circle one): 12-17 / 18-24 / 25-35 / 35-45 / 45-60 / 60+ / prefer not to disclose
  • Sex: Male / Female / prefer not to disclose
  • Occupation: Secondary Student / Tertiary Student / other:__________(optional)
  • How far do you travel to work/school each day and how do you travel about 10 kms, by car or, rarely, by bus.
  • Do you believe climate change is happening? Yes / No
  • 5 years ago, did you believe climate change was happening? Yes / No
  • Do you own or regularly use any of the following:
    - car or motor vehicle
    - air conditioner

    - soil fertiliser
    - gas heater
    - water tank
    - compost bin
    - brand-name clothing

    - more than one refrigerator
    - clothes driers
  • On average, per week, you catch public transport (e.g. buses, trains, trams, ferries): never / 1 or 2 days / 3 or 4 days / every day / on special occasions / prefer not to disclose
  • Do you believe your local public transport system is efficient?
    Yes / No
    Why / Why not? Rarely on time
  • On average, you take (return) trips on aeroplanes: never / hardly / once a year / 2-3 times a year / 4+ times a year
  • These trips are usually: N/A / overseas / interstate / intercity
  • What is your favourite/most preferred mode of transport and why? _car for convenience, train for safety, air for overseas.
  • Do you often substitute your normal mode of transport for a walk from A to B?
    Yes / No / prefer not to disclose?
    If so, how far (kilometres or minutes)?
  • Are you a member of any environmental activist or awareness groups or have you been in the past (e.g. Greenpeace, Rising Tide)?
    Yes / No / prefer not to disclose
    Please specify which group(s):
  • a) Have you personally taken any precautionary measures, recently or in the past, to reduce your carbon emissions (e.g. installation of green electricity, solar panels, water tank, less car use, etc)?
    Yes / No / prefer not to disclose
    If so, please specify: If I know I'll be early, I'll catch the bus. My family's also got a water tank.

    b) Why have you chosen or not chosen to take these measures? Mainly just because of cost, not environmental reasons.
Yes / No / prefer not to disclose
If so, please specify:

  • Do you believe the Government is taking effective action against climate change? Yes / No / prefer not to disclose Why / Why not?
  • In terms of the future, what energy source would you like to see more researched and used? Nuclear power / Wind power / Solar power / other: _____________________ / prefer not to disclose
    Please outline your reasons for your choice:

  • Do you intend of changing your lifestyle in the near future to better prepare for climate change? Yes / No / prefer not to disclose Please identify your reasons why or why not: The government would certainly have to increase rewards for doing so.

  • Has your place of work or school enforced any new policies or activities to ensure the effective management of climate change (e.g. less air conditioning, car-pooling systems, green electricity)? Yes / No / prefer not to disclose
    If so, please specify the changes:
  • Any other comments you may have regarding climate change?
  • Thankyou for completing this questionnaire. Your time has been appreciated.

Captain Gh3y

Aug 10, 2005
falling from grace with god
  • Age (circle one): 12-17 / 18-24 / 25-35 / 35-45 / 45-60 / 60+ / prefer not to disclose
  • Sex: Male / Female / prefer not to disclose
  • Occupation: Secondary Student / Tertiary Student / other:__________(optional)
  • How far do you travel to work/school each day and how do you travel (e.g. 10 minutes by bus, 30 minutes walking, etc)? (optional)
    10 minutes by car or 30 minutes by bus or 50 minutes walk, use all 3 sometimes
  • Do you believe climate change is happening? Yes / No (the earth's climate has never been static!)
  • 5 years ago, did you believe climate change was happening? Yes / No
  • Do you own or regularly use any of the following:
    - car or motor vehicle
    - air conditioner
    - brand-name clothing
    - more than one refrigerator
    - clothes driers
  • On average, per week, you catch public transport (e.g. buses, trains, trams, ferries): never / 1 or 2 days / 3 or 4 days / every day / on special occasions / prefer not to disclose
  • Do you believe your local public transport system is efficient?
    Yes / No
    Why / Why not?
    Because using a car is quicker
  • On average, you take (return) trips on aeroplanes: never / hardly / once a year / 2-3 times a year / 4+ times a year
  • These trips are usually: N/A / overseas / interstate / intercity
  • What is your favourite/most preferred mode of transport and why? _car for convenience, train for safety, air for overseas.
  • Do you often substitute your normal mode of transport for a walk from A to B?
    Yes / No / prefer not to disclose?
    If so, how far (kilometres or minutes)?
Up to an hour
  • Are you a member of any environmental activist or awareness groups or have you been in the past (e.g. Greenpeace, Rising Tide)?
    Yes / No / prefer not to disclose
    Please specify which group(s):
  • a) Have you personally taken any precautionary measures, recently or in the past, to reduce your carbon emissions (e.g. installation of green electricity, solar panels, water tank, less car use, etc)?
    Yes / No / prefer not to disclose
    If so, please specify:

    b) Why have you chosen or not chosen to take these measures?
Yes / No / prefer not to disclose
If so, please specify: Because if we assume every person in Australia is responsible for an equal portion of the country's overall carbon emissions (probably not true considering business and industry) then if I ceased to exist, the world's global annual carbon emissions would drop by 0.00000007%. And using those measures only cuts down a small fraction of my overall carbon emissions, so throw in an extra zero or two. More importantly they cost money.

  • Do you believe the Government is taking effective action against climate change? Yes / No / prefer not to disclose Why / Why not?

  • Because it is powerless to do anything even if it tried
  • In terms of the future, what energy source would you like to see more researched and used? Nuclear power / Wind power / Solar power / other: coal/ prefer not to disclose
    Please outline your reasons for your choice:

We've got plenty of it, it's cheap and the infrastructure to use it is already in place

  • Do you intend of changing your lifestyle in the near future to better prepare for climate change? Yes / No / prefer not to disclose Please identify your reasons why or why not:

Climate hasn't always been the way it is now, so who's to say having a few degrees warmer or cooler on average will be a bad thing?

  • Has your place of work or school enforced any new policies or activities to ensure the effective management of climate change (e.g. less air conditioning, car-pooling systems, green electricity)? Yes / No / prefer not to disclose (ie. don't know)
    If so, please specify the changes:
  • Any other comments you may have regarding climate change?
Individual action will have no effect whatsoever on climate change.


Feb 12, 2006
a place not to far from here
  • Age (circle one): 12-17 / 18-24 / 25-35 / 35-45 / 45-60 / 60+ / prefer not to disclose
  • Sex: Male / Female / prefer not to disclose
  • Occupation: Secondary Student / Tertiary Student / other:__________(optional)
  • How far do you travel to work/school each day and how do you travel (e.g. 10 minutes by bus, 30 minutes walking, etc)? (optional)
    10 min walking distance
  • Do you believe climate change is happening? Yes / No
  • 5 years ago, did you believe climate change was happening? Yes / No
  • Do you own or regularly use any of the following:
    - car or motor vehicle
    - air conditioner
    - soil fertiliser
    - gas heater
    - water tank
    - compost bin
    - brand-name clothing
    - more than one refrigerator
    - clothes driers
  • On average, per week, you catch public transport (e.g. buses, trains, trams, ferries): never / 1 or 2 days / 3 or 4 days / every day / on special occasions / prefer not to disclose
  • Do you believe your local public transport system is efficient?
    / No
    Why / Why not?
    the public transport is effective for the area in which it covers, although possible adjustments could be made to make it more efficient and easily accessable for some people
  • On average, you take (return) trips on aeroplanes: never / hardly / once a year / 2-3 times a year / 4+ times a year
  • These trips are usually: N/A / overseas / interstate / intercity
  • What is your favourite/most preferred mode of transport and why? _car for convenience, train for safety, air for overseas.
  • Do you often substitute your normal mode of transport for a walk from A to B?
    Yes / No / prefer not to disclose?
    If so, how far (kilometres or minutes)?
  • Are you a member of any environmental activist or awareness groups or have you been in the past (e.g. Greenpeace, Rising Tide)?
    Yes / No / prefer not to disclose
    Please specify which group(s):
  • a) Have you personally taken any precautionary measures, recently or in the past, to reduce your carbon emissions (e.g. installation of green electricity, solar panels, water tank, less car use, etc)?
    Yes / No / prefer not to disclose
    If so, please specify:

    b) Why have you chosen or not chosen to take these measures?
Yes / No / prefer not to disclose
If so, please specify:

  • Do you believe the Government is taking effective action against climate change? Yes / No / prefer not to disclose Why / Why not?
    the government is doing what is can for now, although i am sure that within the next few years changes will take place at the appropriate times
  • In terms of the future, what energy source would you like to see more researched and used? Nuclear power / Wind power / Solar power / other: _____________________ / prefer not to disclose
    Please outline your reasons for your choice:
    because these can be more benficial to the environment

  • Do you intend of changing your lifestyle in the near future to better prepare for climate change? Yes / No / prefer not to disclose Please identify your reasons why or why not:
    when i move out of home and become independant i think i will become more aware and therefor will be able to change particular things

  • Has your place of work or school enforced any new policies or activities to ensure the effective management of climate change (e.g. less air conditioning, car-pooling systems, green electricity)? Yes / No / prefer not to disclose
    If so, please specify the changes:
  • Any other comments you may have regarding climate change?


Dodgy Pen Dealer
Apr 5, 2006
  • Age 12-17
  • Sex: Male
  • Occupation: Tertiary Student)
  • How far do you travel to work/school each day and how do you travel? 10 minutes car
  • Do you believe climate change is happening? Yes
  • 5 years ago, did you believe climate change was happening? No
  • Do you own or regularly use any of the following:
    - car or motor vehicle
    - air conditioner
    - compost bin
    - brand-name clothing
    - more than one refrigerator
    - clothes driers
  • On average, per week, you catch public transport (e.g. buses, trains, trams, ferries): 1 or 2 days
  • Do you believe your local public transport system is efficient?
    Why / Why not? slow, late, constantly unreliable
  • On average, you take (return) trips on aeroplanes: never
  • These trips are usually: N/A
  • What is your favourite/most preferred mode of transport and why? car for convenience
  • Do you often substitute your normal mode of transport for a walk from A to B?
    No If so, how far (kilometres or minutes)?
  • Are you a member of any environmental activist or awareness groups or have you been in the past (e.g. Greenpeace, Rising Tide)?
    Please specify which group(s):
  • a) Have you personally taken any precautionary measures, recently or in the past, to reduce your carbon emissions (e.g. installation of green electricity, solar panels, water tank, less car use, etc)?
    If so, please specify:

    b) Why have you chosen or not chosen to take these measures?
Yes / No / prefer not to disclose
If so, please specify:

  • Do you believe the Government is taking effective action against climate change? No
  • Why / Why not? Too concentrated on appearance itself and not concerned with this issue as much because it is not something they believe is actually taking place
  • In terms of the future, what energy source would you like to see more researched and used? Nuclear power / Wind power / Solar power
    Please outline your reasons for your choice:
efficient, fairly safe to use (nuclear), cheap, renewable energy source (solar &wind), less emmissions

  • Do you intend of changing your lifestyle in the near future to better prepare for climate change? No
  • Please identify your reasons why or why not: Dont have any specific need to.

  • Has your place of work or school enforced any new policies or activities to ensure the effective management of climate change No
    If so, please specify the changes:
  • Any other comments you may have regarding climate change?


Oct 27, 2006
South West Sydney
Age (circle one): 12-17 / 18-24 / 25-35 / 35-45 / 45-60 / 60+ / prefer not to disclose
  • Sex: Male / Female / prefer not to disclose
  • Occupation: Secondary Student / Tertiary Student / other:__________(optional)
  • How far do you travel to work/school each day and how do you travel (e.g. 10 minutes by bus, 30 minutes walking, etc)? 5 minute drive or 15 minute walk
  • Do you believe climate change is happening? Yes / No
  • 5 years ago, did you believe climate change was happening? Yes / No
  • Do you own or regularly use any of the following:
    - car or motor vehicle
    - air conditioner
    - soil fertiliser
    - gas heater
    - water tank
    - compost bin
    - brand-name clothing
    - more than one refrigerator
    - clothes driers
  • On average, per week, you catch public transport (e.g. buses, trains, trams, ferries): never / 1 or 2 days / 3 or 4 days / every day / on special occasions / prefer not to disclose
  • Do you believe your local public transport system is efficient?
    Yes / No 50/50
    Why / Why not? it is often good but has tendencies of being unreliable
  • On average, you take (return) trips on aeroplanes: never (have in the past though) / hardly / once a year / 2-3 times a year / 4+ times a year
  • These trips are usually: N/A / overseas ( a long time ago) / interstate / intercity
  • What is your favourite/most preferred mode of transport and why? _car for convenience, train for safety, air for overseas.
  • Do you often substitute your normal mode of transport for a walk from A to B?
    Yes / No / prefer not to disclose?
    If so, how far (kilometres or minutes)?
  • Are you a member of any environmental activist or awareness groups or have you been in the past (e.g. Greenpeace, Rising Tide)?
    Yes / No / prefer not to disclose
    Please specify which group(s):
  • a) Have you personally taken any precautionary measures, recently or in the past, to reduce your carbon emissions (e.g. installation of green electricity, solar panels, water tank, less car use, etc)?
    Yes / No / prefer not to disclose
    If so, please specify: walking, saving power, etc

    b) Why have you chosen or not chosen to take these measures? I believe that there is a serious problem with Green house gas emissions and am trying to do my part for the environment
Yes / No / prefer not to disclose
If so, please specify:

  • Do you believe the Government is taking effective action against climate change? Yes / No / prefer not to disclose Why / Why not?
  • In terms of the future, what energy source would you like to see more researched and used? Nuclear power / Wind power / Solar power / other: _____________________ / prefer not to disclose
    Please outline your reasons for your choice:

  • Do you intend of changing your lifestyle in the near future to better prepare for climate change? Yes / No / prefer not to disclose Please identify your reasons why or why not:

  • Has your place of work or school enforced any new policies or activities to ensure the effective management of climate change (e.g. less air conditioning, car-pooling systems, green electricity)? Yes / No / prefer not to disclose
    If so, please specify the changes:
  • Any other comments you may have regarding climate change? the hole in the o-zone layer is getting bigger, our air is becoming more polluted and our lifestyles may have to have drastic changes so it is important that we do what we can to help the environment
  • Thankyou for completing this questionnaire. Your time has been appreciated.
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