This probably sounds stupid but with the booklets, how many pieces of string do we use to tie them together?
Do we only tie booklets together that relate to that question number? E.g. The two Q23 Booklets would tied seperately to the three Q24 booklets?
Do you do single or double knots?
I got 60% in my Economics Trial which was 5th in the class, so I'm pretty pleased as it is easily my weakest subject. The person who got 1st received 84%, which is amazing and he deserves it with all the work he's put in.
I'd be happy to do it even though I only do General Maths. I'm an absolute whiz at General Maths but Maths Advanced (2 Unit) never made sense (except Algebra & Geometry). I like Maths, it's fun and interesting. How will it be constructed and tested?
I'd give you 12 or 13/20. You've covered the basic parts of the course soundly and your introductory paragraph is pretty good. To improve on your response I'd make the language more sophisticated and remove parts that sound colloquial (e.g. 'thrown at it', 'hit hard', 'crumble to nothing'...
Lol the Economics/Politics Session was boring. That Indian dude really wasn't funny and that other lecturer dude for the Politics part was scary, Jose, or whatever his name was. He looked like scary, he had long white stringy hair with the top of his head being bald. Scary stuff.
I was scared...
My HSC timetable is pretty good and reasonably spaced out.
Here's mine:
Friday October 17th -
English Advanced (Paper 1 - Area of Study)
Monday October 20th -
English Advanced (Paper 2 - Modules)
Thursday October 23rd -
General Mathematics
Tuesday October 28th -
Modern History...
I'm doing Revenge Tragedies.
The prescribed texts we're doing are:
High Noon
The Revenger's Tragedy
The related texts to R/Ts that I'll do are:
V for Vendetta
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
It also helps in a way if you studied it in Year 11 Extension as a Gothic Genre text. Because the BOS doesn't know what you studied in Year 11. :p