Sure. :)
1. D
2. D
3. C
4. A
5. B
6. B
7. A
8. C
9. A
10. D
11. B
12. C - This is the question I got wrong. I put B as I was rushing to the short answer and essay sections. And afterwards when looking through the paper I realised my simple mistake. But it can't be helped.
13. B...
For the essays I wrote 22 pages.
Essay 1: 8 pages
Essay 2: 7 pages
Essay 3: 7 pages
I think I'll get around the mid 80s in the exam. I know I got 14/15 on the Multiple Choice.
9 is A, because the UK is in the Northern Hemisphere so shadows go towards the north. You can also tell by the curving road going up behind the hill in the photo which matches the map and contours also match the map's view. Using the co-ordinates of GR 072323 you can tell that the photo has been...
I did the 'Appreciation of the AUD' and 'Fiscal Policy' questions. I don't know much about monetary policy so I chose fiscal policy since I'm more comfortable with it.
I think I'll get 18-19/25 for the essay and 18/25 for the creative writing. I felt I went pretty good and probably wrote my best piece of creative writing ever in EX1. So my raw mark overall should be 36 or 37/50. :)
I finished it with about 4 minutes to spare. I wrote 24 pages altogether (29 if you include Section I). I went through Section I pretty quickly (about 25 minutes) so I had more time to concentrate on my other essays.
The supervisors strongly encourage us to write our student number and centre...
I think I did the same thing by accident. It should be alright after they start reading the question etc., they're good at that kind of thing and it's not like a computer marks it.
I did Question 26 and Question 27. I did 5 pages for Q26 and 7 pages for Q27.
I got a Distinction. 52 Points. Top 24%. 15/30. In Questions 1-10, I got 27 Points. In Questions 11-20, I got 20 Points. And in Questions 21-30 I got 5 Points. The funny is however that I got the best mark in Year 12, even though I only do General Maths. The person that got a Credit and 2nd in...
I work 'backwards' through the Area Of Study English Paper because I figure that an incomplete essay or story is going to cost more marks than an incomplete short answer question.
I used one related text for the Module C question. My elective was Telling The Truth. So I closely analysed two of Ted Hughes' poems ('Fulbright Scholars' and 'Sam') from the collection Birthday Letters which was our prescribed text. The related text I chose was 'Whiteness I Remember' by Sylvia...
I did two speeches, Havel's and Levertov's. I wrote 5 pages (almost reached a 6th page). But I write small anyway so it's alright (probably equivalent to a normal person's 7-8 pages).