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    crime fiction 101

    does anyone have any exceptional crime fiction websites they want to share? would be really helpful for my crtitical response cheers guys
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    So, its the new year...

    wow, how very philsophical
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    attention art 09er's

    major work, whos giving it a crack? discuss........
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    the 'I HATE SUPRE' thread

    supre is the absolute biggest waste of time.....when im shopping for clothes i actually like to be able to hear myself think. there is only so many fluoro t-shirts one can look at in a clothes store before you start to go quite literally insane.
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    Absolutely Important!!

    wow, good to hear from people who enjoy romantic comedies! what is everyones fave?
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    Inside info WANTED!

    i need information from someone that goes there.....the website doesnt tell you everything
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    design = passion for life

    thankyou!!! someone who finally understands me! haha how very true.......... go the 99.9er's! what course are you doing by the way? and where at?
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    Does God exist?

    i know an incredibly enthusiastic teacher who can talk for the rest of his life on that question alone
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    Taylor Swift

    haha very true, i signed up to bored of studies for the first time today....its definately an obsession
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    Absolutely Important!!

    love love love does anyone else adore the movie LOVE ACTUALLY?
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    Anyone working on the upcoming public holidays?

    does anyone work in a pharmacy? what is your experience in your pharmacy like? just thought i'd chuck it out there, coz i dont know many people who work in a pharmacy
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    Anyone working on the upcoming public holidays?

    omg, working new years day is soooo busy....i dont even get time and a half
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    NEW fabric shop in Sydney - "The Fabric Store"!

    is there anywhere in newcastle that stocks similar stuff at discount prices apart from spotlight? going to sydney is massively inconvenient sometimes.....
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    i went for the open day, it looks like a fantastic school. does anyone know if they are introducing HECS support at the whitehouse?
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    design = passion for life

    i just feel that because fashion design is considered a desirable occupation among young women, some girls choose it solely because its desirable and not because they love it with a passion.
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    design = passion for life

    Calling all future designers!!!! Does anyone else get incredibly annoyed by the stereotypes asscoiated with wanting to be a fashion designer? I feel like people look at me as if im stupid when i tell them i want to study fashion design after school. People dont understand that truly...
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    school captain/prefects thoughts

    all i had to do was write a letter for prefect and it was pretty much in the bag.... you had to do a speech? what school do you go to?
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    Taylor Swift

    i love taylor swifts music, particuarly 'our song' and 'love story' excellent country music revamped
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    Che? Ahhhhh!!!

    does anyone else get annoyed when people walk around saying CHE? CHE? compulsively? its absolutely infuriating!!!
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    do you wear sunscreen every day?

    spf 55? where did you buy that?