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    does anyone not drink

    definiately do not drink. better things to do than get wasted 24/7
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    Sleeping with damp hair

    sleeping with damp hair will only give you a chill...otherwise im confident in saying that is a myth
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    What are you currently Reading?

    crime and punishment by fyodor dostoevsky really thick and requires a hell of a lot of concentration god, my brain hurts
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    NEW fabric shop in Sydney - "The Fabric Store"!

    oki doki, thanks for the info
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    honesty works for me

    thankyou, much appreciated
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    The Penis Movie Game 2008 (trust me, it's fun)

    why do you keep saying 'trust me' it makes me want to not trust you (with all due respect bulldog41yf)
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    Relaxation music?

    beleive me when i say that Norah jones is really good relaxation music! download that too!
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    The Penis Movie Game 2008 (trust me, it's fun)

    haha....thanks but not really my cup of tea
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    honesty works for me

    please be you think that 'little miss sunshine' is a shallow choice for an ORM?
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    The Penis Movie Game 2008 (trust me, it's fun) have way too much time on your hands
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    Relaxation music?

    more specifically.....vultures and slow dancing in a burning room by john mayer
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    Relaxation music?

    john mayer.......the only relaxation music you will ever need check out his continuim album....its genius
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    thanks, it helps heaps....are you interested in fashion design?
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    NEW fabric shop in Sydney - "The Fabric Store"!

    awesome, thanks heaps..........can you take an order from me?
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    In need of advice for Ext II

    im not doing a short story but that sounds really will be absolutely fine! keep working at it and get your teachers to check it constantly good luck and dont stress
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    NEW fabric shop in Sydney - "The Fabric Store"!

    thankyou, that is really helpful how much does it cost to get swatches sent? do you sell silks? if so, what is the price range for silks per metre? do you run/work in this store?
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    Taylor Swift not that obsessed
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    Fave author?

    hemingway is awesome, but if we're talking classics....definately truman capote......breakfast at tiffany's anyone?
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    Most Loved, Hated and Boring Subject

    love - ext english and design and tech hated - italian boring - business
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    Fave author?

    anyone like anne brashares?