Search results

  1. J

    RFTG: the bone people by keri hume

    rahul, was it meant to be just a list of stuff on that site? cause thats all i was getting thanks though........
  2. J

    Physical journeys

    with physical journeys you should be able to find an abundant amount of resources any movies you watch in the holidays think can it relate to physical journey you could also try asking your english teacher you would be surprised how much information they are willing to give you if you ask...
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    Scholarship interview

    to receive the vice chancellor's leadership scholarship do u necessarily have to be school captain/vice captain/prefect???
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    important message for yr 11's of 2004

    i cant even stand my one science i am just doing it cause on the course i am interested in for UTS it says at least one science (preferably biology)
  5. J

    Journey Stimulus Booklet

    i think i might take up this idea thanks kimmeh
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    Are u studying in holz?

    REMEMBER with powerpoints only put certain points on the slides NOT the whole speech
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    year 11 2004

    i cant believe people in year nine know about this site i only discovered it by searching around in my holidays before i started year 12 (term 4) just make a thread for them to use in the sc one
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    usyd open day

    i am going to summer school to Kimmeh!!! c u there..
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    if ur doing similar subjects, can u add me to ur msn?

    maybe i should take that advice instead of Sarah
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    HSC students to get results by SMS

    *thought* maybe because we are now in the holiday period nobody is at the board of studies office checking the emails and so i think you probably wont get a response till maybe the end of January
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    Year 11 2004

    hahahahahaa so true xayma!!
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    Who's going to UWS??

    agrees with dingo
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    i demand faculties be implemented into the UWS forum.

    Dingo i noticed that you are very passionate about the University of Western Sydney are you attending this university at present or are you persuing to attend... i agree with you on the point that there should be seperate forums for this university ;)
  14. J

    additional resouces for bio

    dezzy, dezzy, dezzy, karma sutra come does not have enough information ....and plus it doesnt follow the dot points so Michiru wont get maximum benefits......JKS
  15. J

    Quick Question

    hi everyone my sister has asked my opinion but i cannot be of much help but maybe someone in this lovely forum.....could help out my sister is about to begin yr 11 (2004) and does not know which study guide would be of more benefit for PD/H/PE macquarie or excel?????
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    How to give good orals?

    a good way to start a speech is with a quote or a rhetorical question NEVER with good morning... too cliched
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    which is better??

    in my opinion i hear that the business course at UTS is quite good and is very popular and recognised....on the other hand sydney university is a good uni but is more recognised for its science areas..... you should consider this option suggested by dingo i have read alot of stuff on UWS...
  18. J

    Your annoying/reliable news channels

    i watch abc news and sbs new as well as foreign correspondant yes i do!!! i love kochy too....i saw the where is the love remix very lol
  19. J

    Sadam Was Fake!!!!!

    lol @ picture very creative Saddam Hussein, a man who all his life fought against the americans and than gives up to them...y? he could have killed himself before the americans got to him, there has to be a reason y he gave in...... well let's think about it shall we..he was living in a hole...