not the whole course just what we have got up to in class which is like the first syllabus topic..for example day one for biology we did all of blueprint of life and day two for biology we did all of maintaining a balance
hey, i was just wandering could some one help me with this dot point:
assessing the efficiency and the effectiveness of various forms of legal measures in achieving justice through researching a current criminal justice issue
reviving a thread.................yes i have attended the majority of my lectures and i thought they were great i learnt alot and refreshed my mind on things that i had forgotten they gave me great insights
i hated captain planet he was soo power rangers were a when i think about it that was a very gay show to watch it did not increase my brain capacity at all
hmmmmmm interesting......look potential small business owners....ziff has found you a niche in the market come on someone with business acumen set something up for my friend ziff
hmmm.....i am going to start something......hopefully i have done all my assesments now it is just catch up work and notes, as well as reading for the holidays
there is no need to study every night for year 11 i think only when it is necessary like for assessments, and prelims. but i think for year 12 i need to study more frequently