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  1. J

    B Property Economics

    very interesting.........dingo how is the elite clan going??
  2. J

    best and worst comedy shows

    hahahahahahahaha NO SOUP 4 U!!!!
  3. J

    someone fucking help me

    whats the time on the rocket clock i dont think the clock has a name but if you get deserate maybe ring up a weird convo
  4. J

    Tupac Shakur

    i love 2pac...................question: dead or alive???????:confused: i think dead
  5. J

    love actually

    forgive me but i have not read all of this thread (only the first page) so sorry if i am repeating aunty saw it and she said it was full of sexual intercourse....
  6. J

    telling the truth

    Hey :) even though i have not done this module (for this my prescribed text is ted hughes) whilst looking for other related material for journeys (advanced eng) and retreat from the global (ext english) i might as well look for my telling the truth stuff could some one please give me...
  7. J

    kid with gun

    little boy today for show and tell i would like to show you my gun class ooooOOOOooOOOo aaaaaAAAAaaaaAAAAaaaah BANG BANG:uhoh:
  8. J

    Jacked Up News

    hmmmm i dano the lebanese have pretty good food ;) take it from an expert lol yummmmmmm
  9. J

    Child-Free Zone

    :lol: so very true the telegraph is a waste of paper...even though it creates employment for those so called journalists the paper is being wasted and could be used to produce more copies of the
  10. J

    Free Trade Talks

    is it true that if australia does do free trade with some asian countries it will only happen if australia becomes 50% asian populated??? also, what do we get from the USA anyway??
  11. J

    UAI cutoffs for entrance into 2005 courses..

    January 19th 2004.............................*jennifer sets her goals for the year ahead*
  12. J


    when i was in my junior years of school i read an abundant amount of books. Since, i started senior school the only books i have read are the ones we have to for english and i want to read so many other books. How does one find the time to read books?
  13. J

    study help

    OOoooooOOOOoooo i am learning more here about stuff than at skool what does this say
  14. J

    Hsc Legal

    shut up to your UWS forum
  15. J


    firstly, do not use the u's there is no such word, and how can you call yourself clever angel??? tsk, tsk, tsk.....jks in biology we do study flora and fauna in the topic: evolution of the australian biota in the preliminary course.....i think you should have chosen biology because you wanted...
  16. J

    New HSC Changes now posted

    our teacher told us nothing lucky i look in these forums or i would not have the faintest idea what is going on.....our teachers were all contridicting eachother during isp time so i dont really like to rely on them too much i prefer to self educate myself
  17. J

    post ur HSC legal marks here!

  18. J

    suggest any tips for revising?

    really....hmmmmm....*steals suggestion* in the hsc can the bos ask from any syllabus topic for the essay or report??
  19. J

    physiological adaptation

    it sure helped me and i thought i knew about that from csu tele??
  20. J

    genome question

    because it is too damn confusing for me to google around at around 9pm my brain cant function after a very hot day and teaching curious prelim students business studies.....but if i can be bothered i will get back to you