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  1. J

    the new r kelly / j lo song

    come on people you are being a bit harsh but i can see where you are coming from
  2. J


    aaaaah ok ;) what are cookies anyway?
  3. J


    i cant log out that is the thing
  4. J

    which elective???

    wont that just make you all confused and stressed out because you have to learn more? i dont even want to do my ONE option!!!
  5. J

    Welcome Class of '04

    this is my 300 post *woot woot* anyway i agree the macquarie revision guides are very good i find the excel sor one very how you say, not helpful
  6. J

    RFTG: the bone people by keri hume

    yeah i know what you mean
  7. J


    if you post the secret locations here they wont be secret anymore
  8. J


    thanks for those cadetship websites the are very informative..
  9. J

    A Law Degree.?..ZZZzzzzzzzzzz

  10. J


    true thanks guys for all your help i guess now all i have to do is keep at it and everything should be fine
  11. J

    dot point 1.4 Foundation Study: Aboriginals

    thanks sooo much for all your help both of you!!
  12. J

    Its nearly time..

    i dano that is a bit risky dont you think it is better to get it out of the way then to have to worry about it during school
  13. J

    dot point 1.4 Foundation Study: Aboriginals

    so really this dot point links in with the other dot point: the effect of missions and missionary activity on Aboriginal belief systems from the original contact period through to more recent times
  14. J


    hey everyone my sister wants to join BOS and i try to log out so then she can register but it does not work.....i tried typing in the site in the address bar and then trying to let her register it doesnt work either....can some one help out??? thanks
  15. J

    dot point 1.4 Foundation Study: Aboriginals

    hey eveyone :p i am just writing up my study notes and i am having trouble with this dot point: the nature of aboriginal spirituality - the integration of christianity and aboriginal belief systems by many aboriginal people :confused: could someone please tell me what do we cover...
  16. J

    Anti-Dingo Thread!

    oh really....
  17. J

    2004 English-...Journey...

    they have helped thanks
  18. J

    holliday study?

    281 days
  19. J

    Can I take up Religion in yr12?

    i think it might be too late to take up subjects it would be very hard to grasp the concepts...dont you think it is a bit risky?
  20. J


    i am beginning to like journeys.....but not the creative writing i cant do it but i will keep trying 280 days left of trying