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  1. HecticSandWitch

    General Thoughts: Economics

    If u were in my room I would headbutt you rn, so jelly. Lol jks, good job bro!
  2. HecticSandWitch

    General Thoughts: Economics

    19/20! Fcking question 5, saw foreing aid and went straight for secondary income FML.
  3. HecticSandWitch

    General Thoughts: Economics

    I agree with the short answer part. Drew on lots of aspects of the syllabus I feel. Probably one of the hardest economics papers I've seen, if only because of how abstract it was.
  4. HecticSandWitch

    For mum. The one and only.

    When's she turning 50? For my dad's 40th we did 40 days of gifts leading up to it, mainly little things but cool stuff too.
  5. HecticSandWitch

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Got the marks he deserved basically, just wasn't as good as he thought he was. Makes me shit it bc I got high estimates of 98+ like he did and getting a 94.x would really rek my hopes of studying overseas, and I've already spent something like 300 bucks on application fees, so it'd fuck me...
  6. HecticSandWitch

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    That thread encapsulates all my fears in an easy to read format. Welp.
  7. HecticSandWitch

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Screen-capping this post to bring it back on results day. Don't let us down.
  8. HecticSandWitch

    95 atar?

    Standard: 88 General: 93 Ancient: 91 Hap:90 SORI:92 Music: 94 Source: Using a scaled mark of 40.2 for all subjects.
  9. HecticSandWitch

    100% total internal mark?

    Doesn't matter if you have an internal mark of 100 or an internal mark of 6, as long as you come first, your internal assessment mark will be the highest examination mark of your cohort. So if you get 95 in the exam and beat the rest of the cohort you'll have an internal mark of 95 and...
  10. HecticSandWitch

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Yep, it's not just the physical tiredness from cranking out 20 or so pages but also the mental comedown after hyping yourself up for it. Go to bed early tonight and wake up fresh for tomorrow (at least, that's my plan!)
  11. HecticSandWitch

    General thoughts: English Advanced Modules Paper 2

    Exactly this. It's a comparative study of text and context. Not dealing with context means you're not answering half the module. The comparison with Mod B and textual integrity is not the same: If Mod B was a 'Close Study of Textual Integrity' then there would be parallels.
  12. HecticSandWitch

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    It's all ogre now.
  13. HecticSandWitch

    Advanced or Standard English?

    Taking a look at my mates standard paper, they don't ask for as an in-depth analysis and the ideas they discuss are less specific. They also don't study a shakespeare. If you have a high 70% average I recommend you stay in Advanced. With enough work, you can push it up to a low eightys which...
  14. HecticSandWitch

    Ipt aligning ?

    Your reported Assessment mark would be whatever the highest external mark in the exam was (provided that isn't you). For example, if the highest mark in your class was a 99, you would recieve an internal assessment mark of 99. If it was a 83, you would receive an internal assessment mark of 83...
  15. HecticSandWitch

    Explaining how scaling/ATAR works

    As I've said many times on these forums, mullets like these cannot be cut, they are a gift from god :angel:
  16. HecticSandWitch

    Explaining how scaling/ATAR works

    Yes, 'Mum of Two' is surely into octopus porn ahahahahaha
  17. HecticSandWitch

    Explaining how scaling/ATAR works

    Check your browser history!
  18. HecticSandWitch

    Why is standard English considered so bad?

    When they refer to a raw mark, they are not talking about raw as in not yet aligned, but unscaled, aka the marks you're given from results day. These 'raw' marks are then turned into scaled mark out of 50, which is aggregated in the calculation of the ATAR.
  19. HecticSandWitch

    General thoughts: English Advanced Modules Paper 2

    I'm guessing he forgot to take into account reading time.
  20. HecticSandWitch

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Stats dont lie.