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  1. HecticSandWitch

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Only four past papers to go before I reach my goal of 99 past papers for dat 99 atar. 3 days to go till HSC. I'm gonna make it ladz.
  2. HecticSandWitch

    Selective school vs public school

    Moving to a selective school was the single best decision I've ever made. If you love to push yourself, and see what you're capable of, then selective schools are the way to go. I think they're better for ATAR's compared to public schools because they're filled with students who's sole aim is...
  3. HecticSandWitch

    Nice places to hangout in Sydney?

    Centennial Park. Underrated.
  4. HecticSandWitch

    Bros over Hoez?

    Re: Bros over Hoes? It's easy to find a new girl to crush on. It's not as easy to find a whole new set of mates after you've thrown one under the bus. Make your friend act on it like Sino said, if nothing happens, wait a while and then ASK HIM IF HE'S COOL WITH IT before trying things out...
  5. HecticSandWitch

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Got it today. Link works for me!
  6. HecticSandWitch

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Just bc it feels good today doesnt mean itll feel good tomorrow...
  7. HecticSandWitch

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Good luck kiddies (even tho most of you are my age if not older lel)
  8. HecticSandWitch

    Writer's cramp/handwriting issues

    Lads, if you have cramps, chow down on some magnesium. I run upwards of 70km a week and that shit is a god send. Will work guaranteed.
  9. HecticSandWitch

    Starting HSC

    1. No change in difficulty, only content changes. 2. Don't count the hours, make the hours count. It's better to do three past papers a week year round then 20 hours a week highlighting some notes while you piss around on facebook. 3. Again, hours are irrelevant. Throughout the year I aimed for...
  10. HecticSandWitch

    2011 MC Questions Help

    Thanks so much dude, just couldn't see the link between net income and FOREX but now I see it :) :) EDIT: 'You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Ekman again.'
  11. HecticSandWitch

    2011 MC Questions Help

    Usuall do alright but really struggled in 2011 MC. Help with these questions please! ANswers are C and D respectively. EDIT: NVM 17, worked it out, importers don't get the extra 5, that's gvt revenue. Can someone still explain 10 please. Is it just a process of...
  12. HecticSandWitch

    Hard to transfer from UNSW law to USYD law?

    they give bonus points for sport and performance i.e. dancing, drama etc.
  13. HecticSandWitch

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Discover some testosterone and grow a pair.
  14. HecticSandWitch

    Which schools do y'all go to?

    baby don't do this
  15. HecticSandWitch

    Which schools do y'all go to?

    No but there is a cause: Vaccines!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anti vax boys 2k15 don't mess.
  16. HecticSandWitch

    Which schools do y'all go to?

    It's burwood girls isn't it. Knew it after I saw you were male.
  17. HecticSandWitch

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Shitting bricks if I'm honest.
  18. HecticSandWitch

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Ice it. Go pharmacy and get one of those weird coloured tube things you see old men put on their knees during all age soccer, but for the wrist.
  19. HecticSandWitch

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Is it cramped? Grab some cheeky magnesium, that should help.