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  1. bhsrepresent

    Business CSSA

    Are your schools booklets HSC size?
  2. bhsrepresent

    Tips for trials

    >know exactly what you're going to write about and have some kind of structure to follow before you even enter the exam (it might be too late to memorise an essay - depends on you I guess) >try to keep alot of the well crafted imagery/ similes/ metaphors in your creative but make sure you...
  3. bhsrepresent

    Cramming success stories?

    crammed my modern history essay on the night before (2000 words started at 11pm - didn't sleep) - 24/25 crammed my business half yearly morning of - read the syllabus and memorized key definitions/ vocabulary - 99% currently cramming my trials (memorising 3 module essays atm) HSC...
  4. bhsrepresent

    Individual Rights & Liberty

    *clap* *clap* Another worthless contribution. I feel sorry for you. All you have are personal attacks that reflect your failed ability to comprehend and develop logical argument. If you're actually at uni atm or plan to attend, I genuinely feel sorry for you. You can always tell the...
  5. bhsrepresent

    Individual Rights & Liberty

    I like how you avoid every question or argument I pose (especially when they address what you claim). Hahaha, not even going to waste my time debating an intellectually dishonest moron like yourself. That's right, I can make personal attacks too! :)
  6. bhsrepresent

    Memorise or not to memorise? URGENT!

    memorise essays about what you genuinely think about belonging, and if your interpretation is widely explored/ accessible, you can adapt to any question: I.e. If I write an essay based on how freedom is fundamental to belonging (Based on my interp of texts) If I were to get a question on...
  7. bhsrepresent

    Individual Rights & Liberty

    (I'm from a public school ranked 500+)
  8. bhsrepresent

    2013 Federal election

    How is less regulation redistribution to a specific group? A freer market means LESS people are privileged or subsidized, not vise versa.
  9. bhsrepresent

    Animal Rights

    I didn't state that freedom to pay tax is more important than access to essential services. I simply said the that taxation, philosophically, is a form of coercion - and I think we need to establish this fact and decide on the degree to which we are willing to coerce to produce specific outcomes...
  10. bhsrepresent

    Individual Rights & Liberty

    How about you read my arguments first before you accuse me of such b.s? I set out clearly: The market itself produces outcomes that are desirable for society as a whole: It will ultimately lift those who can't support their children out of poverty, for cases (which now will be lower than...
  11. bhsrepresent

    Looking for an english adv + eng ext tutor!

    what are are you from specifically?
  12. bhsrepresent

    What are you currently Reading?

    nope. great as related material though
  13. bhsrepresent

    Individual Rights & Liberty

    So what your saying is that even if it sucks, it's better than nothing simply because its free. The access to essential services if they have no inherent value is essentially rendered useless. Instead, why not have something cheap and of high quality at the same time?
  14. bhsrepresent

    Individual Rights & Liberty

    This is flat out wrong. Private school attendees are over represented at Australia's top universities. I don't think you understand the philosophy behind the free market: The idea is that liberalism will ultimately eradicate poverty, and these children will no longer be living in poverty or so...
  15. bhsrepresent

    Animal Rights

    You've misunderstood my point. ALL civilizations that have flourished and had genuinely positive social and economic outcomes have been driven by a system based on the free market and freedom. Why do you think western civilization in particular has surpassed all other nations in the past 200...
  16. bhsrepresent

    Individual Rights & Liberty

    The idea is that if you free the market, everyone is better off - wealth increases, the price of education falls as competition rises - GOOD, QUALITY education becomes more accessible, even to those who are relatively poor (But now better off as a whole, just relatively poorer) And quality...
  17. bhsrepresent

    UMAT thoughts and discussion

    My stupid officer kept walking past and straightening my answer sheet, as well as putting my bottle on the floor twice during the exam. argh
  18. bhsrepresent

    Animal Rights

    Freedom is the basis of civilization. It is what gives humanity its moral and social basis: Without freedom, even if we have all material outcomes met (which won't happen because with no liberty humanity cannot flourish), what moral ground do we have? Is it not our autonomous nature that...
  19. bhsrepresent

    What are you currently Reading?

    also, A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess ultra engaging! I recommend it if you're into philosophy disguised by violence and sci fi! :P