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  1. bhsrepresent


    I think I dun goof'd. Needed 2-3 more booklets for short answers and didn't know whether to write each question in a new booklet or not (neither did the supervisor - strong old lady incompetence) and so I wrote them all in one booklet. Called BOS and it turns out they mark the questions...
  2. bhsrepresent

    quantity vs quality

    I definitely smashed module C and was on point with the question. Buuut... I still don't see myself getting more than 17 by virtue of the fact that my essay was only 5 pages (around 750-800 words). Quantity vs quality? I feel like quality is key but realistically you can't be tapping into...
  3. bhsrepresent

    Private vs. Public Schools!

    I'm all for being pragmatic when it comes to the idealism surrounding 'multiculturalism' and 'diversity'. But it really just sounds like you come from another angle..
  4. bhsrepresent


    Someone upload the paper!
  5. bhsrepresent

    hey do you know if there's any way to bypass prereqs for JCU med? I have no math or science...

    hey do you know if there's any way to bypass prereqs for JCU med? I have no math or science (sitting the HSC soon) and have no idea on whether or not to submit by application (Its due 2morow lol)
  6. bhsrepresent

    BOS Voting Intentions: 2013 Federal Election

    LOL I'm not even sure of what you're trying to say here... I was simply pointing out that if something is logically sound, it doesn't automatically make it utilitarian or practical for an economy. That is the essence of economics; finding and pursuing the BEST alternative with the lowest cost...
  7. bhsrepresent

    BOS Voting Intentions: 2013 Federal Election

    So let me get this straight... Since there's no demand for a particular set of skills, the government should discriminate and serve a particular industries' special interest by eliminating competition? By that logic, I'm sure you propose that we subsidize all industries that have little demand...
  8. bhsrepresent

    BOS Voting Intentions: 2013 Federal Election

    Theoretically, pricing carbon reduces emissions. Does that make a carbon tax valid and economically sound? No. Just because you've 'done economics', you cant just dismiss opposing views purely on that basis. Economics is not a science; there are rational, theoretically sound arguments AGAINST...
  9. bhsrepresent

    BOS Voting Intentions: 2013 Federal Election

    let me preface by saying I'm not a diehard liberal at all. I'm somewhat disillusioned with Australian politics in general, as the parties as a whole seem to deviate from their intellectual basis purely for political gain. (but hey that's politics) But nonetheless, how the hell is smaller...
  10. bhsrepresent

    Law and Morality: Is there a necessary connection?

    Its also interesting to note that moral paradoxes can exist within a legal system. (Relating to your question, these would ultimately question the connection between morality and the law) For instance, take laws that protect private property - they are founded on ethical ideas related to...
  11. bhsrepresent

    Law and Morality: Is there a necessary connection?

    IMO in order to answer this question one has to determine their philosophical interpretation of ethics in terms of either: (a) Believing in absolute and objective ethical principles (b) Taking a morally relative stance wherein moral principles are subject to culture or prevailing social/...
  12. bhsrepresent

    Trial Discussion Thread.

    +1 Pretty much my year thus far. Did heaps in the beginning and did jack after then and was left to cram when the important times came round!
  13. bhsrepresent

    Sexism - The experiences of women and men

    *Kiraken googles study to avoid the bulk of what I say and superficially attain the edge in argument* Just go and read about evolutionary psychology. Now you're ignoring the mass of what I say and claiming that generalisations can't be made because there's a multitude of factors that influence...
  14. bhsrepresent

    what should i do??

    why not apply for co-op?
  15. bhsrepresent

    Sexism - The experiences of women and men

    the 'protector' is just a paradigm for self assertion, stability, confidence etc. HOW this fits into society is relative to the society itself THEN, men were LITERALLY protectors in the wilderness, NOW it's the same traits women desire integrated into civilised society (women still want men...
  16. bhsrepresent

    Sexism - The experiences of women and men

    No though, the idea is that these are psychological traits embedded in our conscious and subconscious - a century of social reform doesn't change anything as we've evolved for billions of years. Even if our society has changed in its structure - male to female interaction has not, women are...
  17. bhsrepresent

    Sexism - The experiences of women and men

    for a moment without questioning the science, how do you yourself define those traits in terms of if they lean more toward masculinity or femininity? I think aggressiveness/ calculative tendency / hierarchical assertion (all ultimately required in a top managerial position imo) are fundamentally...
  18. bhsrepresent

    Sexism - The experiences of women and men

    Lmao what are you on about? Since when did I reply to your post where you mention body water % in men and women?
  19. bhsrepresent

    Sexism - The experiences of women and men

    Generally inferior at selective tasks, sure. But the same goes with men - women are superior to men in certain fields just as men are superior in others. Men and women are biologically different and are predisposed to being good or competent at different things. These differences are rooted in...
  20. bhsrepresent

    Having trouble with my subject selections!

    economics isn't really that hard content or concept wise provided you get good foundations/ ability to link ideas