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  1. ~shinigami~

    school bags.

    I have a small Adidas backpack and I carry a folder formy exercise books. Folders seem to break a lot in my hands. I went through two folders last term. Which reminds me, I'm going to add to my officeworks list for tomorrow. :)
  2. ~shinigami~

    What did you achieve these holidays?

    You are a tank! How did you manage to actually do work in these holidays? Good on you. :)
  3. ~shinigami~

    "HOW IN(S)GENIUS" Tutoring Group

    Wow, that's a pretty convincing post. :)
  4. ~shinigami~

    About you

  5. ~shinigami~

    Class of 07

    Physics > Other sciences (This means Biology too) :p
  6. ~shinigami~

    Missed Opportunities?

    I did Human Movement, Commerce and Computer Studies. I really miss Human Movement (Sport). :(
  7. ~shinigami~

    HSC Tips and Tricks | Part 1: Year 12 Info Round-up

    Yay, another Arsenal supporter. :) How awesome was the match against Man U. I thought it was gonna be a draw and then BAM. Go Eboue! :)
  8. ~shinigami~

    HSC Tips and Tricks | Part 1: Year 12 Info Round-up

    Yay, another Arsenal supporter. :) How awesome was the match against Man U. I thought it was gonna be a draw and then BAM. Go Eboue! :)
  9. ~shinigami~

    Class of 07

    lol, I love that Death Note comic you have in you sig. :D Where'd you find it? Are there anymore? :) P.S I can't wait till ep 15 :(
  10. ~shinigami~

    Class of 07

    Some people might. I don't cause it's my worst science subject.
  11. ~shinigami~

    Class of 07

    I'm doing communication as well. :D
  12. ~shinigami~

    What did you achieve these holidays?

    That's a pretty good idea, SS. :)
  13. ~shinigami~

    Class of 07

    So what options are people doing? :)
  14. ~shinigami~

    What did you achieve these holidays?

    It ain't over yet. Make the most of these 3 days left. :)
  15. ~shinigami~

    Class of 07-List of threads

    I do Biology. :)
  16. ~shinigami~

    What did you achieve these holidays?

    You've achieved a lot in my eyes. :D