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  1. ~shinigami~

    A question about International Studies.

    Perhaps inspired by the careers expo I visited today, I have a few question for anyone doing Internal Studies. Just a little background first, I am very interested in International Studies, especially the language stream as I want to learn both Chinese and Japanese and their respective cultures...
  2. ~shinigami~

    Distractions To Studying

    I don't even know what bebo is. *checks wiki* Meh, not interested. I don't have a myspace either yet I procrastinate fairly well without one anyway. :)
  3. ~shinigami~

    Official HSC timetable

    :eek: Holy crap! That is such a bad combo since. Maybe a nice consolation is that you're awesome at both of them Arryn.
  4. ~shinigami~

    Official HSC timetable

    English Paper I - Fri 19th Oct English Paper II - Mon 22nd Oct Chemistry - Wed 24th Oct Mathematics X2 - Mon 29th Oct Biology - Tues 30th Oct Mathematics X1 - Wed 31st Oct Physics - Mon 5th Nov They put my 3 worst subjects in 3 consecutive days. Thanks a lot Board of Studies! :mad:
  5. ~shinigami~

    Examiners day

    Sorry, I'm still a little confused. Which one are we supposed to use?
  6. ~shinigami~

    Easter Holiday Progress

    Hi dr baby beanie!!! I'm only back for the holidays cause BoS is too addictive. You just reminded me, I should probably get some maths done sometime this holidays. :( Do you have broadband? Just obtain your favourite shows illegally. *cough*bittorrent*cough*
  7. ~shinigami~

    Just Wondering

    Well I'm doing the 2U course like all other 2/3 Unit students at my school so I have to do all the exams. Everyone else in my class are accelerants so I don't know if it's compulsory for everyone or not.
  8. ~shinigami~

    Easter Holiday Progress

    I haven't watched TV for so long, it's time for me to binge on TV shows, dramas and anime. Progress indeed.
  9. ~shinigami~

    the subject you have the least confidence in.

    Biology, English Adv and 4U Maths. I can confidently say that I have the least confidence in those subjects.
  10. ~shinigami~

    The subject you have the most confidence in.

    Well if I had to pick the subject I have most confidence in, it would be Physics and 2Unit Maths. However, I have a feeling that I've stuffed both those exams in the half-yearlies.
  11. ~shinigami~

    Inequality Question

    Thank you so much for the help ssglain, rtkl and bos1234. I think I've lost all my ability for maths which is bad cause I have my 3 Unit half-yearly tomorrow. :p
  12. ~shinigami~

    Inequality Question

    This question for the 3U Fitzy textbook has really got me stumped. Hope someone can help me :) For what values of x is: (2x-4)/(x+3) > (x+2)/(2x+6) Thanks in advance.
  13. ~shinigami~

    Polynomial question.

    Thank you so much pLuvia, I get it now. :) For some reason in my head, I kept thinking x3=-8cis(0) was x3=-8cis(pi). Stupid me. :p
  14. ~shinigami~

    Polynomial question.

    I've been going over some polynomial notes for my half-yearly and I came a cross something that I don't quite understand. I hope someone would kindly explain it to me. I don't really understand the solution. Thank you so much in advance. :)
  15. ~shinigami~

    Which Ext-2 topics have you done?

    Funny how you just mentioned that because my teacher was talking about it today and his plan is to teach mechanics thoroughly and rush through graphs if we are behind on schedule. :D
  16. ~shinigami~

    Your utopia.

    1. Taiwan 2. Japan 3. USA
  17. ~shinigami~

    Which Ext-2 topics have you done?

    At my school, we've done Complex No and Harder 3U Inequalities last term and we're about half way through Conics. I'm even more behind though as Conics has seriously bamboozled me.
  18. ~shinigami~


    Don't worry, Physics should still be fun. Are you sure? Cause that doesn't sound fair. Shouldn't they do it the maths way where if you get it wrong in the first part and but your proceedure for the second part is correct then you are still eligble for full marks for the second part. Sometimes...
  19. ~shinigami~


    I was in a hurry when I posted that so sorry that I didn't clarify and justify what I said. IMHO, Biology is the hardest science because it involves understanding large quanities of information and the questions asked in exams are usually vague or worded with the intention of confusing people...
  20. ~shinigami~


    Biology is the hardest science.