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  1. H

    after exam thoughts....

    Confident I passed everything. Hoping for a HD in Torts, but will prob get a D. Was hoping for the same for Intro, considering I did well in my assignments, but I think I stuffed that exam. Wouldn't be surprised if I get a credit now.. Inequality and Human Rights consisted of assignments...
  2. H

    ZOMG... Im now a Heffa.

    Firstly, I didn't propose one eat a "large meal". Secondly, I'm still not comprehending your logic. Eating late at night is not going to prevent those calories from being burned, even if you don't do any exercise after consuming them that specific day. Your body doesn't shut-down when you go to...
  3. H

    old fashioned weight loss experiment

    Protein shakes are fine! Firstly, we are yet to know how many calories she requires, so I am not going to concede that average protein shake (25g of protein) would be excessive. Secondly, even if that is too much protein, that doesn't mean protein shakes as a source of protein should be avoided...
  4. H

    ZOMG... Im now a Heffa.

    You can't choose where you'd like to take the fat from. Spot reduction is impossible. Can you explain the rationale behind this please?
  5. H

    old fashioned weight loss experiment

    I hardly think that recommending a protein source in the morning is being "obsessed". When you wake up in the morning you are in a catabolic state and protein is of fundamental importance!! True, her main goal may not be to "gain muscle", but it shouldn't be about muscle break-down either...
  6. H

    old fashioned weight loss experiment

    I'm not a she! :P
  7. H

    old fashioned weight loss experiment

    I wouldn;'t eat too much fruit if you're trying to lose weight. Some fruit early in the day is okay, but you have to remember that sugar is full of fructose, which is a sugar! Eat plenty of vegetables and take a multivitamin. Similarly, juice is full of sugar also!!
  8. H

    old fashioned weight loss experiment

    My advice is to eat before you exercise. However, you have to wait 60-90mins after you eat until you should exercise. Most people on this board will disagree. They will contend that by not eating prior to exercising, you will have no carbs in your 'system' and will thus burn fat instead. This is...
  9. H

    What HSC Subjects if I want to do law?

    Re: What subjects should I take if I want to do Law after high school? You do not need to study any particular subjects in the HSC to subsequently study law at uni. Not even legal studies is required. I think Advanced English is assumed, but I don't think that is even 'required'. The...
  10. H

    old fashioned weight loss experiment

    Before you begin, why don't you post up the diet and exercise regime you plan to use for critique?
  11. H

    Legal problem

    Mandatory sentences means equity does NOT exist! There is a difference between sameness, equality and equity.
  12. H

    Case law or legislation better?

    Re: Case laws or legislations better? Both can provide 'the law'.
  13. H

    When are our final grades release?
  14. H


    No, you can only have one because they are both funded by the university. You can hold two scholarships if one is funded by the uni and the other is donor-funded (by a council/business, for example).
  15. H

    Advice for Tort Problems

    Is that an example format, or the one you actually used in the exam? For the first question we weren't meant to discuss defences. Also, did you assess the damages for the plaintiff?
  16. H

    Advice for Tort Problems

    I just had my Torts exam today! The approach I took was simply to discuss the elements that make up the tort. For negligence: duty; breach; damage (causation/novus actus/remoteness); defences; assessment of damages. Similarly, for intentional torts, I just went though each of the relevant...
  17. H

    Nebuchanezzar's Signature...

    Is different to... In the former post, your argument is with regard to the criminal justice system, specifically the judiciary. In the latter, you are referring to the general public.
  18. H

    Nebuchanezzar's Signature...

    As hfis pointed out, if you are actually responding to Frigid, rather than the member whose signature has been the subject of debate, I think you misinterpreted what he was arguing. No, offenders should not be let off 'scot free' on the basis they will never comit a crime again. It is unknown...
  19. H

    Nebuchanezzar's Signature...

    Okay, thanks. :(