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  1. H


    If it isn't essential that you have a laptop, would it be a waste of money to purchase one nonethless, simply for its convenience (e.g. using it between classes / presentations / research or note-making wherevere you want). I am considering getting a laptop, but I wonder if it's worth it...
  2. H

    what is your 1st car and how much did it cost

    Commodore VL Berlina / auto / $1000 from a mate.
  3. H

    Parking Permit

    I printed the form last night and it requires your registration number and the make/model of the vehicle.
  4. H

    Parking Permit

    Oh, that's shit. Oh well, still gotta buy one.
  5. H

    Parking Permit

    When you purchase a parking permit, does it expire 12 months from purchase date or end of the year? I'm assuming it would be the former, but just wanted to make sure. Thanks.
  6. H

    how to get to parra campus?

    The new building is awesome. :)
  7. H

    start of spring semester

    Why would we go back on a Friday? Semester starts Monday, 31st July.
  8. H


    Certainly is.
  9. H


    My Criminal Law unit is up. The lecturer wants us to write about ourselves and why we chose law on the public bulletin board.
  10. H

    Being Healthy vs. Dieting

    Keep track of your weight. If you start losing, eat more. If possible, you could work out how many calories you were consuming before, and compare that to now. Assuming you didn't gain/lose weight on your previous diet, this number is likely your 'maintenance' number of calories. Thus, you...
  11. H

    losing weight?

    It could probably happen if: 1. You've lost weight, but got taller. 2. You've lost fat, but gained some muscle.
  12. H

    Autumn Results 2006

    Oh okay. So do we get some kind of transcript when we complete the degree which has all of our marks for all the units we've done?
  13. H

    Autumn Results 2006

    They don't mail our results? From where do we get an official copy, then? :confused:
  14. H

    Review of Grade

    If you can prove that you deserve/your work reflected a mark of 75, you might have a chance.
  15. H

    Autumn Results 2006

    Ah k, that makes sense. Thanks!! :) COngrats on ur marks also!
  16. H

    Autumn Results 2006

    Pretty happy with my results. Introduction to Law 78 DISTINCTION Torts Law 80 DISTINCTION Inequality and Human Rights 81 DISTINCTION Crime and Criminal Justice 76 DISTINCTION What exactly is your GPA (I know what it stands for) and how is it calculated? Also, is there a maximum...
  17. H

    Gaining weight

    Ideally, you would work out your maintenance calorie intake (i.e. how many calories it takes for you to maintain you weight), then add 250 calories to that number. When you stop gaining weight, add another 250 calories etc. It is impossible for me to explain exactly what you need to do in...
  18. H

    Keep or Sell Textbooks?

    I've only had a brief flick through the book, but can understand what you're saying. I am probably going to purchase the Butterworths Tutorial Guide to have as well.
  19. H

    Keep or Sell Textbooks?

    Well, last semester I did Intro to Law and Torts Law. I plan to keep my Intro texts because they are books I may have to refer back to throughout the course. Torts, on the other hand, I can't see myself using again. If I was to participate in a moot on tort law, I probably wouldn't use the book...
  20. H

    Keep or Sell Textbooks?

    Do you sell your texts after you've finished the semester? I'm not going to sell the books that are on the topics that are of interest to me, but am considering selling those that a) I have little interest in; and b) I doubt will ever be used again. But for some reason, I'm still...