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  1. S

    what sort of mark in 4u should i be getting?

    doesn't the mark depend on how well everyone else does? the scaling at school i mean..hsc is abit different that should be lots better for 4u. hey illma can u tell me that page where u got the past papers?
  2. S

    People who got >90 in subjects: how did you study?

    ask people u know who have already done the hsc and get their different perspectives on it. coz some ppl study more effectively in some ways than others i'm doing that right now..its quite good
  3. S

    what sort of mark in 4u should i be getting?

    hey i know someone that did philosophy last year, its a distinction course right?? he ended up getting uai of 99.5 doing medicine at UNSW now, except that he said philosophy was too much work
  4. S

    what sort of mark in 4u should i be getting?

    :P boz, stop rubbing it in, i came equal first with courtney for complez numbers 14/15 and then i got KILLED in the harder 3u! i HATE harder 3u, and fashionista is illma right?? can't be wendy... i would DEFINETLY not repeat maths if i got above 90 in both, i'm not repeating 4u even if i get...
  5. S

    what sort of mark in 4u should i be getting?

    i think around 97..last year the highest was 96, the year before was either 98 or 99
  6. S

    help! does anyone know where i can get specific episodes of simpsons for major work?

    i'm doing a multimedia presentation for major work and i was looking for the lisa lionheart episode of the simpsons. does anyone know where i can download it?
  7. S

    what sort of mark in 4u should i be getting?

    i'm from smiths hill selective high...we have one 4u class and i think i'm coming like 6th or something..raw mark of 60% scaled mark of 84. yea i kinda figured some things would depend on people and stuff i just wanted soemting to aim for. i don't want to repeat it, coz i'm an accelerant in...
  8. S

    what sort of mark in 4u should i be getting?

    what kind of marks should i be getting in school assessments of 4u to get above 90 in the hsc?? i have no idea what the general standard is but what should i aim for?
  9. S

    4U progress

    we've done complex numbers, nearly all polynomials and gone really quickly through graphs, even though i didn't learn anything. we've also got harder 3u stuff in half yearlies! and i HATE harder 3u
  10. S

    is doing well in english a must for good marks in yr 12?

    i've always been pretty good at english but i'm really busy now and i havn't really written anything great. so is it okay if i concentrate on my hsc subjects this year and leave english to do well in, in yr 12?? ( i'm accerlated in maths..doing hsc a year earlier)
  11. S

    What if i don't get the UAI 4 law?

    u could get in as a full fee paying student...u have to pay something like $1600 a year but the uai cut offs are alittle lower. i have a friend who got 98 and got full fee into USYD. even those cut offs have got up though. from about 95-98.