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    Case Study

    i'm also doing china as a case study and today i found some really good websites..go to google and search for china with economic indicators and u'll get resources from IMF, WTO etc.
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    The 2004 HSC - Mathematics Extension 1 Paper

    part b) q7 was comparing co-efficients of the expressions right? it was harder than i expected. did anyone get the latest time as 4:28 am?? i got the time as 3 hours 48 mins add to 1am then minus 20 mins. everything up to last bit of q7 was pretty good though
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    is it possible to recover?

    is it possible to recover from say..2 bad school assessments and still get a decent mark above 90? my trials are in three weeks and i've only just started doing past trial papers, i can pretty much breeze through the 3u past papers but i feel so unprepared for 4u! how many past papers should i...
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    Band 6 4U

    umm yea sure john, u were FIRST in 3u and 4u maths remember?? duh..of course u went really well i'm happy with anything around 92..i'm around 70-75 raw mark so :P whatever...i find english ALOT easier than maths, u don't even have to study for it
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    Does Ext 1 Maths Scale That Well?

    i think that being in a good school is probably better for your marks and studying attiitude. the tests are harder, u need to study harder and this will get you better marks in the external hsc when compared to other schools. i was pretty bad at maths before but after doing 4u and 3u i find...
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    how many people??

    yea illma..last year we had 2 classes, 40 or so ppl, not so many this year. we only have like 130 ppl in each year and i heard that there's soemthing like 120 ppl doing 4u maths in north sydney boys sooo..yea. everyone will around 60+ ppl doing u all go to a selective school?
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    how was half yearlies???

    yea i see your point, i just thought that for extension courses especially for maths that the difficulty is supposed to be more streamlined. but i really don't think i've seen any easy papers from our school..our prelim yearlies were shocking, very hard. my freinds from earlier years tell me...
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    Q7 of 3U Harder than Q1-6 of 4U???

    i always think of the rectangles. for every extension topic and 2u topic there are overlapping rectangles of difficutly. the hardest things in the more basic units are always harder than the easiest in the extension. and i also think that its alot harder to get full marks in 4u. u really have to...
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    how was half yearlies???

    we're from smiths hill high school, selective school in wollongong. every accelerant from our school is expected to do 4u in yr 11. we usually don't have many ppl getting 100% raw on 3u paper..last time i got 97 but that was pretty easy paper. and can i ask...are all the 3u papers in every...
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    y do u like maths?

    well i don't actually really like maths...its alot of hard work but i suppose i'm okay at it so that's why i do it. i do agree with the elegance of maths though, so many things just link together and when it finally clicks and you get this really hard question it just seems quite amazing....i...
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    how was half yearlies???

    yea i'm an accerlerant and that's how i'm doing it but i think he was saying that everyone from his school does that. so i dunno but accerlating makes things so much easier..i have to work heaps hard to get good marks and i'm only doing two hsc subjects this year!
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    how was half yearlies???

    yea 3u results are back arleady..just wait for 4u now was talking to this guy in sydney and he said that they did school cert in yr 9 2u in yr 10, 3u in yr 11 and 4u in yr 12...i didn't know u could do that
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    how was half yearlies???

    ahahaa! 4u is FINALLY over..god i'm SO GLAD! u know what mr wade said to me today> he told me i went really went in 3u..i don't think he's seen that probability question yet..coz omg i was SO stupid on that!! don't worry illma...everything gets scaled-can u believe I'M saying 'don't worry'??? i...
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    how was half yearlies???

    yea yea dawso...not freaking out, just pissed off abit the stupid probability, i just wanted to see how everyone else's half yearlies were...coz ours weren't that hard. i just made stupid mistakes
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    HSC Tips - Graphs

    mapping hey when ur mapping something like y=In(sinx) what is the strategy?? i keep getting the limits and stuff wrong! OR any mapping hints in genearl?
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    were half yearlies hard???

    i havn't had mine yet but just so i should be prepared....was it impossible hard or manageable??
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    how was half yearlies??? how was everyone's half yearlies?? and much exactly does hsc scores get scaled?
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    HELP. what texts to use for individual and soceity rtf

    does anyone know any texts to use for rtf on the individual and society?? i need three texts and have absolutely no idea
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    4U progress

    yep, smiths hill, are u jess?? i've met illma and boz and dawson on here too
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    Forbidden Love- Norma Khouri

    reading that book made me SO angry!! especially daliah's stupid father and bastard brothers. i could not stand that they actually did that. killing someone should not be legal, its wrong! how could u kill your own daughter? i feel so sorry for the women there, its so sad